Sports Gambling Is Creating A New Epidemic
By Ray Cardello for February 18, 2025, Season 30 / Post 41 I am old enough to remember when organized sports kept their distance from gambling in any form. Remember how Pete
By Ray Cardello for February 18, 2025, Season 30 / Post 41 I am old enough to remember when organized sports kept their distance from gambling in any form. Remember how Pete
By Ray Cardello for February 17, 2025, Season 30 / Post 40 The Democrats have two choices. They can put their collective heads together and come up with solutions, which will never
Personal Journey Entry # 8 Good morning, everyone, from beautiful and frigid Maine. We were blessed with another incredible sunrise this morning. It is peaceful to sit with a cup of coffee
By Ray Cardello for February 14, 2025, Season 30 / Post 39 To the victors goes the spoils, usually the message in politics or life. However, in Donald Trump’s world, there are
By Ray Cardello for February 12, 2025, Season 30 / Post 37 I watch the protests and the coverage of the radicals by the legacy opinion shows. I am completely lost as
Personal Journey Entry # 7 It was just 9 a.m., and I finally had my second cup of coffee. It had been such a good day that the coffee tasted extra good
By Ray Cardello for February 11, 2025, Season 30 / Post 35 The noise about Elon Musk is not about the separation of powers, a Constitutional Crisis, or destroying America or our
Personal Journey Entry # 6 I promise this string of articles will not be hostile or a bashing of the health insurance industry, BUT the system is broken. I thought the five-month