
Stop With The Gun Control, Do Your Job

By Ray Cardello for July 5, 2023, Season 20 / Post 32

It used to be a weekend event in Chicago where we counted the dead and wounded from gun shootings. Now it can be any day of the week, and it might be Philadelphia, Atlanta, or a small town like Naples, Maine. No city or town in America is immune to gun violence from some deranged individual with their agenda. The only thing guaranteed is the Right will call for stricter use of the laws already on the books, and Liberal District Attorneys will call a press conference to plead for more gun laws. Both are feeble demands, but the call for gun control to end these random, senseless shootings is worse than feeble. The claims are lazy. Gun controls have minimal impact on these ridiculous losses of life, for when the dust settles and the facts come out, most of the weapons used in these shootings were obtained illegally. The strictest gun laws in the country will not keep a person hell-bent on injuring and killing people from accomplishing their objective.

Look at the details of the shooting incident in Philadelphia during the holiday weekend. First, people were appalled that the event happened during the 4th of July celebration. Holidays or days of the week mean nothing to these killers. When they snap, they snap, period. The randomness of the shooting is most alarming to me. On the neighborhood security video, we see the shooter, alleged seems senseless when he is the man in the video pulling the trigger, raises the AR-15, and begins shooting round after round into a parked vehicle.

When he finished shooting, five innocent people were killed and two injured. The shooter was soon arrested without incident. Officers arrested Carriker during a chase on foot, and he had an AR-style rifle, a 9 mm handgun, a scanner that tracks emergency response radio traffic, and was wearing a bulletproof vest and ski mask, authorities said.

Authorities are also investigating a since-deleted social media page believed to belong to the accused gunman, 40-year-old Kimbrady Carriker, that includes a series of posts about guns, the Second Amendment, and the “loss of freedoms,” according to a law enforcement source. Initial reports from neighbors of Carriker indicate a growing rage, and many felt he was prone to performing the violent act he acted out on Monday night. This lack of action, not gun control, is the problem. People saw the person’s personality change but did nothing about it. His posts on social media showed he was a ticking time bomb; on Monday, the fuse was lit, and the carnage was left in his wake.

Carriker had no previous record, but many of the shooters recently have had multiple incidents where they were not incarcerated but let back into society to repeat their crimes. These DAs can continue to call for new laws, but until they enforce those on the books, they should skip the press conference and do their jobs.

Categories: Uncategorized

3 replies »

  1. “The strictest gun laws in the country will not keep a person hell-bent on injuring and killing people from accomplishing their objective.” Yawn, that tired old canard, people are just gonna murder and there’s nothing we can really do about it, so why bother…So is the reason the US murder rate is well over double that of Canada that there are just roughly 2.5x the number of psychopaths in the US? (I can’t imagine you’d think it’s the higher rates of religious observance south of the border.)

    Honestly, I’m regularly shocked how stupid would-be murders (and perpetrators of other serious crimes) can be. One often reads of some demented individual who attempted to kill someone with a stick or something stupid like that. Like, if you want to kill someone, get a gun, right? That’s obvious, that’s literally what they’re designed for. But the thing is, a lot of people – good and bad – are really impulsive. They don’t think things through carefully, especially in the heat of a stupid moment. So with firearmed teenagers you end up with some idiot 19 year-old bulling out his pistol because he got pissed off at the 2am blockparty. In cases like that it’s actually really simple: no gun, no murder, probably 90% of the time. But you gun-nuts just keep clinging to what are actually relative edge cases for your strawman argument.

  2. Hey what do you know, here’s today’s episode — sorry, make that certainly one of many of today’s episodes — of I’m-an-idiot-hothead-and-I-was-packing-heat-so-now-I-shot-someone.

    Or as you gun-lovers would try to shade it, the millionth case of a person hell-bent on injuring and killing people, and that not being preventable by any law on god’s green earth. Right, because the idiot shooter got up that morning figuring he wanted to kill someone, so he got himself a gun (probably illegally), and went looking for someone to murder.

    Of course, that’s nothing like what happened. Instead it was probably someone – quite possibly with a history of troubled behavior, who may or not have had a legal right to own a gun – who went jet skiing and took his trusty sidearm with him, just in case there was trouble. And trouble found him, so…well, accidents happen, and that seven year-old wasn’t even the intended target. It’s just another body, whatever.

    Care to argue your point on this one?