Personal Journey Entry # 19
One of my favorite times of day is between my morning bus runs. It is the few minutes between unloading my Middle-schoolers and picking up the little ones. I park on this beautiful street in Newfields that is lined with majestic trees and has grassed pastures on both sides. I shut down the bus and sit in silence for twenty minutes of quiet time to think and absorb the serenity of the spot. The following prayer filled my mind this morning, and I had to write it down to share it with you. It has been nearly two months since we received my diagnosis. It has been a stressful but beautiful time, bringing out the best of those around us. The amount of love and friendship has fulfilled our hearts and minds and pushed the stress aside. We cannot thank all of you enough, but we will try by spending that the same forward. This will be my last post before the surgery next Wednesday, as the only things left to do are pray and count down the days. There will be more to share on the other side. Here is the prayer I wrote this morning:
Dear God above, Creator and Keeper of the universe,
You have given me the strength to accept
the fate you have delivered.
You have granted me the courage and patience to take the steps to prepare us for your plan.
You have watched over Shay and me and surrounded us
with your sweet angels.
They have lifted us with their wings, prayed with us, guided us, and
comforted us on our journey.
You gave us the wisdom to catch this evil early and your servants to
remove it from my body.
We surrender ourselves to your will and hope your plans for us
are not yet finished.
We know you have the final say in all things, and we pray for
your mercy and love.
Please continue to guide us and keep safe all who
touch our lives.
We pray this in your name and glory, Amen
Thank you for stopping by. We love you and ask God to bless and keep you. Ray
Categories: Journey, Uncategorized