By Ray Cardello for December 29, 2023, Season 1 / Post 2
It was supposed to be an easy play by the Democrat Machine in Augusta. Pulling Former President Donald Trump from the Maine Primary Ballot would be quick and under the radar. They held an eight-hour public session where they allowed lawyers and citizens from both sides of the issue to get their arguments on the table, but it was an eight-hour sham session. It was a public show to appear like the politicians cared about the wants of Mainers. Like the gross Abortion bill passed last summer against the will of 80% of voters, the decision on the Trump Ballot question was predetermined.
Secretary of State Shenna Bellows was scheduled to make a decision last Friday but delayed the announcement after a Colorado Court gave her an apparent gift. The Colorado Supreme Court decided by a partisan vote to remove Trump from its primary ballot. When the Colorado ruling came down, Maine thought it had the cover to erase Trump’s name from its ballots, too. Maine would follow the same logic as a State Supreme Court, so they had the precedent they needed. Governor Mills was warming up her pen and looking for the line to sign her name. Not so fast. Michigan is throwing Maine a knuckleball.
Michigan is about as Blue a state as Gretchen Whitmer can make it. She did her best to destroy her state and the will of its people with as many restrictions as anyone could impose on its people during the Pandemic. People have terribly short memories, and Whitmer’s name comes up as a possible Presidential candidate should Biden withdraw. When the question of Trump’s name on the Michigan ballot arose, it seemed like a foregone conclusion, but Michigan surprised the country and did not follow suit with Colorado. Now, Maine now has a dilemma.
This is a very dynamic situation as the states face deadlines with primaries quickly approaching. As I was writing this article on Thursday night, Maine announced their decision, and as anticipated, it was disappointing. Maine has removed Donald Trump from the state’s primary ballot.
I should not say Maine, but rather, the Democrat Party has made a decision on behalf of Mainers, and I guarantee many of those Mainers are very upset this morning and feeling totally disenfranchised. A group of Liberal politicians elected by the WOKE populations of Maine’s big cities is dictating policy for the rest of the state. The Mainers living outside the few metropolitan areas are traditionally conservative and very patriotic. They still believe in the Constitution and the pillars this country was built on. Election interference by elected officials is not why we elect leaders, and putting their finger on the scale is what Secretary of State Shenna Bellows did, and she will feel the wrath of rural Maine.
The decision will be immediately challenged, and like Colorado, the Supreme Court will probably force Trump’s name back onto the ballot. The Democrats are going to have to find a way to beat Trump at the polls and their current policies and tactics are not going to get it done.
Categories: Maine
The mere idea of taking any candidate’s name off a ballot is appalling. This young, woke secretary of state has a lot to learn. I hope the conservative people of Maine stand up and teach her a lesson or two.