Ray Cardello February 24, 2021

Promised for months, this Bill does little for COVID relief.
This is so pathetic and you probably have already heard so much about this Bill which is nothing more than a Democrat Spending Spree disguised as relief for the people and businesses of this country. We don’t have the money to fund this $1.9 TRILLION price tag but the opportunity was there for the Dems and they had to seize it. They are more greedy than smart and the Republicans alone can do nothing to stop this. Only 9% of these funds are earmarked for COVID relief, the other 91% is for a collection of projects, domestic and foreign, and the list will seem like a parody. It is not and we will detail some of the items that will waste your money, the government has no money, your money for generations to come.

Where is the urgency for funds?
The way the Dems are talking, this money is needed now to get the country back on track. Wrong….very little of the funds will be spent this year…..except for pork projects. This is criminal and that is not hyperbole. They are stealing your money for their projects.The claim that schools are not open because of lack of funds is simply a lie. There is over $600M allocated in the last Relief Bill directed to education that has yet to be spent. Only 5% of the funds in this package for K-12 will be spent this year…..is that urgency?
Let’s look at some of the projects with no connection to COVID but will be using your money….not really your money but more your grand children’s money.
- $270M for Arts and Humanities Endowment.
- $200 M for museums and libraries
- $100 M for Silicon Valley Underground Railway
- $50M for Family Planning
- Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $15.00
- Expansion of Medicare and Obamacare to include coverage for Aliens
- Multiemployer Pension Plan Bailout
- $100M to bailout Blue State budget shortfalls
- $852 million for AmeriCorps, AmeriCorps Vista, and the National Senior Service Corps
- $50B to FEMA to fund funerals for COVID victims
- $1.5 billion for Amtrak
Is that enough to make you ill. That is your money going to pay for favors owed by the Democrat Hierarchy. This is pretty much a done deal. There is little that can be done, the Dems have the numbers. Some of these expenditures may get challenged in court but that will take time and the money will be spent in the meantime.The best we can do is educate as many folks as we can as to what the Dems are doing. It will maybe pay dividends in 2022 when hopefully we take back the House and Senate. The wallets will probably be empty by then.
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