
Dangerous To America, Or To Democrats

By Ray Cardello for October 19, 2024, Season 29 / Post 20

The Democrat Cartel is in full-stage rage. The Joy and Vibe campaign ran out of gas weeks ago, and Kamala, the media, and every has-been Democrat they can get to a studio is spewing the same lines. Donald Trump is evil and a danger to America. It’s an old story and rears its ugly head whenever the Democrats need to divert attention away from reality, and reality under Biden/Harris is not suitable for most people. Kamala Harris threw a Hail Mary on Wednesday when she agreed to a one-on-one sit-down with FOXNews’ Bret Baier. The Harris Camp only allowed 30 minutes for the dialog, so Baier jumped right in. One new outlet called the discussion tempestuous. I’ll call it a Kamala Harris Filibuster and Trump hate-in. She did not answer a single question and talked constantly, not allowing Baier to control the discussion. She also found a way to blame Trump for every negative situation Baier queried her on.

Madame Vice President, you have been in office for nearly four years and did nothing to curb the flow of illegal migrants until just recently?

Well, Bret, Donald Trump has been running for President for ten years. What does that even mean?

Baier pointed out that on day one, Joe Biden struck down dozens of Trump Border Initiatives. Why did you do that, and do you regret it?

Well, Bret, on day one, we introduced the strongest bi-partisan immigration bill ever, and Trump undermined it, and Republicans squashed it. Again, there was no response to the question. The bill she is referring to was not debated in Congress for some time, so how can she blame Trump when Biden’s actions threw open our borders on Day 1? Millions of illegals entered our country before that bill came up for a vote, and while the Democrats controlled Congress and the White House?

One of the most robust exchanges occurred when Baier asked Harris when she first noticed Joe Biden’s mental decline. She contends that Biden is still of solid mind, so why did she need to steal his candidacy? She also immediately diverted to Trump, calling him unstable, irrational, unfit for office, and, here it comes again, dangerous. Her level of rage at this point was palpable, and she refused to let Baier into the conversation. It appeared that this was planned, and her opportunity to tear into Trump put the focus on him and off of her delinquency in not taking action when Biden was no longer capable of performing his duties.

Of course, depending on the network, you will get two different opinions of this conversation, but if you look objectively, Harris did not directly answer a single question from Bret Baier, and this is consistent with the last 75 days. She is vague, evasive, and obviously inept at addressing basic questions. At this point in the campaign, these should be easy, and the voters deserve answers and a better candidate. On the Left, the voters will get neither.

Categories: Maine, Uncategorized

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