By Ray Cardello for July 29, 2022 Season 12 / Post 13
The fact that Hakeen Jeffries is talked about in the Presidential contender talks is laughable. The guy is a hack congressman from New York, where an empty beer glass with a donkey logo can get elected to any office. He is also an outright liar. That is not hyperbole. It is not opinion. It is a fact.
Today, as he has in the past, he went to the microphones to tell his rabid listeners that it is Republicans who are anti-police, and no front-line Democrat ever uttered a desire to defund or do away with the police. The problem here, Hakeen, is that everything today is on record. Everything is on video to be seen and verified. Let’s review a few of the comments from the past from the squad on police.
Second up in the loud-mouth category is Islamist Ilhan Omar, the Jew-hater. She declared: “What we are saying is the current infrastructure that exists as policing … should not exist anymore, and we can’t go about creating a different process with the same infrastructure in place. … Not only do we need to defund, but we need to dismantle and start anew.”
Third in the lineup is Rashida Tlaib, who said, “Policing in our country is inherently and intentionally racist. … No more policing, incarceration, and militarization. It can’t be reformed.”
Ayanna Pressley insisted she is “ready to continue the systemic work necessary to radically reimagine a system of public safety in our country that finally censures the dignity and humanity of all.” She declared, “Yes I support the defund movement.”
And last, Cori Bush says, “Defunding the police isn’t radical, it’s real. … I am for defunding the police.”
So even with a plethora of video evidence to the contrary, Hakeen Jeffries can still address the American people and boldly lie that it is the Republicans who are anti-police. It is embarrassing for the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus and one of the possible candidates for President in 2024.
But talking about defunding the police is only part of the scam for the Democrats. It is what they are spending on personal security and what they are planning on spending of our money to protect these rabid hypocrites.
U.S. taxpayers will dole out about $4 million to help elected Members of Congress pay for security upgrades to their private residences.
“The House Sergeant at Arms is creating a new residential security program,” reports Punchbowl News managing editor Heather Caygle. “Each member will get $10k to secure their residencesU.S. taxpayers will dole out about $4 million to help elected Members of Congress pay for security upgrades to their private residences. They will also get a stipend of $150 per month to maintain these systems.
Rep. Cori Bush has injected nearly $400,000 of campaign funds into private security services while refusing to tone down calls to defund police, federal filings show. Just another example of how little concern these Democrats have for our safety while going to great lengths to protect themselves.
We must continue to battle the Democrat lies and the complicit media that will readily spread the talking points. We need to point out the blatant hypocrisy and do all we can to get these charlatans out of office. The longer they remain, the more entrenched they become and strengthen the Washington D.C swamp.
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