By Ray Cardello for December 18, 2021 Season 7 / Post 39
The alternate title for this post was The Era of Anarchy is Over. Crime is increasing at such a rate in some major cities, like New York and San Francisco, that people and businesses are leaving for safer places to live and work. It has been a whirlwind ride since 2020 and the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. In a poorly thought out plan to reform Police departments by rescinding their funding, the Left unleashed a year of crime escalation. In Minneapolis, Homicides went from 57 in 2018 to 91 so far in 2121. They also saw an increase Rapes, Assaults, and Robberies. Like most major cities that bent a knee to the Defund Movement, Minneapolis is a far more dangerous city in the post-Floyd era.
The escalating crime rates in cities like Minneapolis, New York, and San Francisco have resulted in people and businesses making the difficult decision to leave their towns. They have moved to cities in states like Tennessee, Texas, and Florida. These are states that have not defunded their police forces. These states are far safer for these folks to live and work. Empty homes and storefronts do not generate tax revenue. This change in tax funds may be the driving force for the shift in philosophy we see in these troubled cities. Unfortunately, the quest for safety didn’t stop the defunding and has brought us to this point. If it had, we might still have with us the people lost, and the other victims may not be labeled as such.
Some cities like San Francisco have outlined plans to rebuild or refund their Police force. In an impassioned and profanity-laced speech, mayor London Breed went to the microphones this week and told the people of her city that she had seen enough. She wants the police force bolstered, but she has to get the District Attorney on board. It will do no good if the Police enforce the law, arrest these out-of-control criminals, and the DA either sets them free with no bail or doesn’t charge at all.
This effort to take back control of our cities has to be a group effort. Governors and mayors have to set the tone that crime will not be tolerated. The Police have to be allowed to do their jobs, and the DA has to start putting these villains on trial. If convicted, people need to be incarcerated. Stop emptying the prisons, and start holding people accountable for their actions. If those actions are criminal, then jail time is the prize.
The biggest problem with this plan is filling the positions in these revamped Police forces. Many experienced personnel were terminated in the last two years, and Police Academies were shut down. We need to convince a new generation of candidates that Law Enforcement is a stable and honorable profession. The Left has done such an excellent job at vilifying the Police. Let’s see how good they are at reversing the tide.
This situation is an example of a lack of common sense with our politicians. Every thinking person knew that defunding the Police would have tragic effects. It was more critical for these weak Leftist leaders that they acquiesced to the Woke and BLM and destroyed the safety and security that the Police afforded us. Now that these same people have seen the light, they still need to be held accountable for the damage they have caused. That accountability includes replacing them with people who can do the job.
This article was first published on The Liberty Loft thelibertyloft.com
Categories: Uncategorized