By Ray Cardello for November 4, 2021 Season 6 / Post 45
I listen to Democrats talk about their big-ticket legislative initiatives and wonder if we speak the same language. They use some words freely, and because there is rarely a follow-up question, they get away with their flawed rhetoric. Let’s look at some examples.
Free: Let us start with a foundation. Nothing is free except for the air around us and the water in the oceans that divide us. When a politician claims that a provision in a bill is free, what they mean is that there is no cost for the user, but the burden to pay for the benefit for one is someone higher on the economic ladder. Free works until you run out of people to pay the bill.
Not being taught in our schools: Terry McAuliffe claimed that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not and was never taught in Virginia. His claim was debunked by written documentation showing his support for the CRT added to the curriculum during his previous term as Governor.
We also heard from teachers, school boards, and students detail elements of CRT being taught. McAuliffe persisted with his lie despite this proof, and pundits reinforced it on left-leaning cable news shows. His stance on CRT cost him dearly in his defeat.
Overwhelming support: Jared Huffman (D-CA) was asked about the impact of the Republican success in Tuesday’s elections on the Build Back Better spending bill. Huffman said that the American people overwhelmingly support the bill, yet polls show that over 50% of Americans have no idea what it contains. The people have spoken with their vote, but the Democrats are not listening. By the way, the bill has not been completed and is being referred to as a framework by Joe Biden. Congress should not vote on a bill with mysterious content and an undefined cost. Polls show that 65% of America feel the country is heading in the wrong direction, but the Democrats feel they know better. They insist on pushing forward with their obscene spending bill.
Need to get to work: This is code for we better get the Build Back Better Bill voted on and signed before the midterms when the Democrats will lose their control of Congress, and the legislation will be dead.
Compromise: Many members of Congress are declaring that the Build Back Better Bill is the product of compromise. It is not. Compromise is when you have a modified piece of legislation with changes offered by both Democrats and Republicans. The BBB Bill is the product of Biden and the Democrats; Moderates and Progressives. The Republicans have had no input to the bill other than their unified objection.
Those people: The tone of the public changed when “those people” started showing up and taking part in school board meetings and got rebuffed. Those people are called parents. The Democrats have awakened a large, powerful block of voters. Parents and today’s version of the Tea Party except Parents cross all ideological lines. You do not get between parent bears and their cubs and come away unscathed. Democrats last night found out what it feels like to get scathed.
Words are one thing, and the alternative use of some by the Democrats is frustrating. The actions of the Democrats are harder to tolerate. Last night was a start to our pushback. We showed we could win, but we best have a plan in hand, ready to go. When we get control, we better be able to produce a positive difference. That will keep the momentum at our backs.
This article was first published on The Liberty Loft thelibertyloft.com
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