By Ray Cardello for October 21, 2023, Season 22 / Post 38
We all agree that a calm world results from a strong America. Donald Trump is the first President since Jimmy Carter not to enter U.S. Troops into a new conflict. Part of the reason for that period of peace is Trump rebuilt our military to a point where nobody dared threaten the United States or its allies. It was Ronald Reagan who coined the term “Peace through strength.” President Reagan hoped that his new military initiatives would not only contain communism but defeat it. Reagan broke the Soviet Union and witnessed the collapse of the Berlin Wall. Joe Biden is the antithesis of Ronald Reagan. Biden has weakened our military by introducing Woke thinking and bad decisions by Biden. Biden opened the door for Russia to invade Ukraine. He has ignored many of the offensive activities of China, and he has allowed Iran to rebound their financial status and accelerate their nuclear program. Tie those situations with the botched Afghanistan debacle, and you have a disastrous foreign policy package.
If not so serious, it would be comical. Biden and his team like to take credit for the way Biden has handled each of these global hotspots, but the truth is these conflicts exist because of him. What he has done is tantamount to saving an elderly person from drowning when you tossed the person overboard in the first place. His reckless policies have turned the world into a powder keg ready to explode.
Joe Biden went to the Resolute Desk and the Oval Office for a prime-time address to the nation. In that setting, there was speculation all day that this was a seminal moment for the President and an opportunity for him to unite the country in a unified effort to save Israel from the latest attempt to obliterate Israel and all Jews. He failed miserably. Instead of coming across as Reaganlike, and finally the leader of the nation and the free world, he came across as the prototypical Liberal and went for our wallets. In what he termed a “small investment,” he detailed his request for $100 Billion that he would present to Congress for speedy consideration. Now, that kind of money may seem small for someone who has been extorting millions from our foes for decades, but for us in the middle class, that is as painful as trying to balance our budgets with Bidenomics. The significant problems with his request are combining his plea for our money to aid Israel with more funds for Ukraine and asking for $100 Million for Gaza and the Palestinian people. We know he is getting kickbacks from every dollar he sends to Ukraine, and Hamas will scoop up that $100 Million before a single dollar gets to the people for humanitarian aid. He also disappointed many people by continuing to refuse to place the blame on the Hamas and Hezbollah attacks on Israel on Iran, which is obviously holding the strings.
He tried to connect the two struggles as threats to our future freedom, but he failed. Had he focused on Israel, he would have garnered support across the aisles in both chambers. With his approach, he will have a battle in both. I am a realist and did not expect much from Biden on Thursday night. You can put him behind the big desk, but that does not make him a big man. Biden is a weak leader; every time he is behind a microphone and in front of a camera, he looks worse. The only good thing about him sitting for the address is it keeps him off the floor. That small win is insufficient for America, Israel, or the Free World.
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Excellent post. Out here in the hinterlands, we have come to understand that Biden’s objectives are totally different from ours.
Nonsense. The Abraham Accords touted by Trump created this. Iran has no desire to see Israel and Saudi Arabia normalize relations, contrary to Trump’s claims. That’s why Iran’s proxies, Hamas, Hezbolla, Fatah, and the PLA, have all become involved to prevent any such normalization in the region. Trump’s short-sighted “diplomacy” made a lot of money for his son in law, Jared, but didn’t do a damn thing for Israel or peace.
The Abraham Accords were nothing but a profit opportunity for Trump and his son in law, Jared. Jared got a couple billion dollars from the Saudis in return, but nothing was done for a lasting peace in the region. Iran continues to fight a proxy war against Israel, using Hamas, Hezbolla, Fatah, the PLA, and other terrorist groups in the region. Why? Because Iran has no desire or inclination to see Israel normalize relations with the Saudis or anyone else. This is what happens when we allow self-interested grifters to make foreign policy before they’re removed from office.