By Ray Cardello for October 12, 2022 Season 13 / Post 37
We entrust our children to the American education system for thirteen years, and it may be the most devastating decision of their lives. The department of education is toxic. The last thing they have in mind is the betterment and education of our children. The Socialist plan to engulf the entire system, from K-16, is complete. The goal now is to indoctrinate your children, separate them from the family unit, and convince them that the greatest country on earth is a racist-infested hellhole that needs to be broken down and rebuilt. By the academic scores, low graduation rates, historic low military recruitment rates, and the number of years kids stay at home, the Left has won, or is at least winning. I, for one, am not ready to call uncle.
In a country where we have fallen from the top ten in the world in math and science, crime is rampant, 100,000 die every year from Fentanyl poisoning, inflation has given way to recession, and the Border is non-existent, the biggest issue on the mind of Vice President Kamala “Word-Salad” Harris and John “Empty the Prisons” Fetterman is pardoning every incarcerated individual in prison because of a weed conviction. Drive every state highway in Maine, where every other address is a pot shop, and a reasonable person has to wonder what direction we are taking, let alone the condition of the driver heading your way.
Our concern is no longer excellence and assuring that the best are challenged to reach the highest of levels. Our concern has shifted to ensure we do not embarrass those at the low end of the scale. We need to hold back the excellent to assuage the mediocre. It is pathetic.
We have abandoned advanced classes and no longer recognize a valedictorian or salutatorian for fear it will offend those not so fortunate. The concept of equality, where everyone enjoys the same opportunity, has been replaced with equity, where everyone finishes the race tied for last. If there are no winners, then everyone is a loser.
It is incredible that Parental Rights should be a question going into the midterms. You would think everyone would be behind parents’ involvement in the child’s education, but that is far from reality. There are still interactions between parents and school boards where the boards are not heeding the will of parents. There are now highly paid people on the staff of school boards to push the philosophy of DEIJ. These people were placed at the request of BLM. Now that we know BLM was nothing but a money-making scam for a few, why are these people still in place.
We always wanted the best for our children and challenged them to be the best they could be in whatever they pursued. Now, all children are pushed to the lowest level. The money we spend on education, which is a huge percentage of local tax dollars, is wasted.
When the education system is broken, our future is in jeopardy. Our system is broken, and we can see the future, and it is not bright.
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