
God Above Has Given Me The Best Support Team On Earth

Personal Journey Entry # 2

I am heartened by my faith in God and the incredible support team he has given me to travel by my side on this journey. The only result that we will accept is when I ring that bell the day I am told this evil cancer that has invaded my body is gone. There is no other option. However long it takes, I have God looking over me and the hand of my beautiful Shay in mine. One of the reasons we bought a new place in Turner, Maine, to be our new home is the good fortune we have had to find the most beautiful circle of friends we could ever imagine. Being selfish, we wanted to be with them for more than just our summers on the Pond. We wanted their love and friendship for the entire trip around the sun. One of our friends, Kerry, has been fighting his own battle with cancer for over a year, and he was brought back from the brink of death by the support, love, and prayers of our friends. He had gone into remission, but the evil disease was not entirely done. We are all fighting and praying with him, and we will win again.

These wonderful angels of God prayed with and for me last year and pushed aside the first scare I faced. They are all ready for another battle, and this group has no quit in their DNA. The positive energy, spirituality, and genuine love of life they all exude are intoxicating, and there could not be a better arena to fight this battle. And then there is Maine. The beauty and tranquility we have found and feel every time we turn the key and enter our home is palpable. I am writing this entry as I look out the window at the new coat of snow glistening on the neighboring golf course, and the sky is turning purple over the mountains in the distance. We have found our heaven on earth here in Maine, and it is here we will call upon God’s grace and mercy to rid my body of this invader and make me whole once again. I am still a bit numb and unsure of the next steps, but whatever they are, we have faith in my doctors, my team, and, above all else, our God. We cannot lose.

Categories: Journey