By Ray Cardello for September 5, 2022 Season 13 / Post 1
Joe, I am a proud member of the MAGA Republicans, and I am insulted to be labeled a domestic terrorist or a threat to Democracy. I watched some of your Democrat Senators on the Sunday shows, and they think you did not go far enough last Thursday with your obscene prime-time speech. They called people like me Fascist. They define fascists as people who will not accept the results of an election or who stand by and watch as crimes are committed and do nothing. By that definition, let me remind you that Hillary Clinton and her followers are yet to concede the 2016 election, and they watched our cities burn during the Summer of Love. I will acknowledge they did something about the violence. They raised money to bail out anyone who burned a city building. Shall we lump all of those folks under our Umbrella of Deplorables?
Joe’s speech was a collection of claims that go far beyond projection. Let me tell you what we MAGA Republicans stand for, and you will see what I mean by projection.
Sovereignty: We believe in borders; secure borders. We believe anyone crossing our border illegally deserves to be treated as such. That means turning them around and watching them cross the Rio Grande back into Mexico. They do not deserve to stay in America, receive a free cell phone, a medical card, and a $700 luxury suite in a Times Square hotel.
Rule of Law: People who commit crimes should pay the price. That does not mean using their Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card repeatedly to hit the streets and continue their crime spree. Zero bail means no penalty, and to think these people will voluntarily report to court for their hearing is a fantasy.
Excess Government Spending Leads to Inflation: Fiscal constraints are necessary for a stable economy, and pushing fat-loaded social pending bills will quickly get inflation up over 9%. Oh wait, we are there already.
Energy Independence is Essential: relying on foreign countries, especially hostile countries, is harmful to National Security and leads to $5 diesel which fuels inflation. We went from exporting energy to begging Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela, and even Iran for fuel in two years. Embarrassing and damaging for America.
Electoral College and Fair Elections: We are a Republic, not a Democracy. That is a concept lost on Joe Biden and the Democrats. The Electoral College puts states like California and New Hampshire on the same level. We believe in Voter IDs and voting reserved for citizens only. We think that absentee ballots should be an exception and not the norm.
Joe Biden claimed that MAGA Republicans are against each of those important considerations. He is rewriting history, just like our education system. It is weak and obvious. Actually, that makes sense since it is obvious that Joe is our weakest President in history, and only a distortion of the truth will get Democrats re-elected.
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“They define fascists as people who will not accept the results of an election or who stand by and watch as crimes are committed and do nothing.” Doesn’t this define Trump during Jan 6th? And yet you support him, with never a discussion of his potential latest crime of illegally removing and improperly storing state confidential materials. Yes, you are a MAGA Republican, more than just a conservative like myself. Why don’t you be honest with yourself and change your website name?
I am so glad that you recognize you should take offense at President Biden’s comments.
You see, if you were NOT a fascist, like me, you would take no offense because you would his comments would not apply to you.
However, since you did take offense, it is the first in many necessary steps to realizing you have a fascist problem, and hopefully overcoming it some day!
You are so off base. First, all Trump backers are MAGA Republicans. MAGA means Make America Great Again (sad I have to explain that to you) and when Biden called MAGAs or now Trumpees, fascist, he insulted over 70 million Americans.
Thanks for the comment, though. I appreciate them from all people even those who cannot formulate a coherent argument.
There are a lot of moderate conservative Republicans like me who are Not MAGA Republicans so your 70 million insulted is most likely greatly overstated, as buyer’s remorse for voting for Trump has set in as his criminal behavior gets more exposed daily. As you proclaim to be a strict Constitutionalist, how do you reconcile his attempts to thwart it with his post election activities? BTW, you can find Trump’s video online acknowledging Hilary’s ( who I detest) concession to him. Please deal in facts.
The 70 million figure is overstated. As a moderate, conservative Republican, I am not a MAGA Republican. There are a lot of voters like me, suffering from buyer’s remorse, as more of Trump’s criminality gets exposed. As a constitutionalist, how can you reconcile his attempted overthrow of the electoral college process? Also, a lit bit of research will produce the Trump video of him accepting Hilary (who I detest) concession. Please deal in facts.
You have very thin skin for a fascist!