
How Much Is Too Much Pain

By Ray Cardello for October 20, 2024, Season 29 / Post 21

There appears to be a new trend on the Left to minimize inappropriate behavior and diffuse the impact. This trend is a mutual effort of Democrat politicians and the complicit mainstream media. It is also a practice of the FBI that is teaming with the Dems to downplay the erosion of safety in America. The best example of this behavior is the gang problem that put Aurora, Colorado, on the news map.

Venezuelan gangs have been traumatizing Aurora residents by taking over apartment buildings and forcing residents onto the streets. We have seen videos of the gang members wielding guns and crowbars, smashing deadbolts and lock sets to gain entrance to apartments illegally. Even if residents’ apartments have not been directly violated, they are abandoning their homes in fear. Does it matter how many gang members or residences were seized? To many who could not imagine experiencing that situation, there is no acceptable level of trauma. To the Left and the media, there may be an acceptable level. In a recent interview with JD Vance by Martha Raddatz, Vance defended Trump’s criticism of the government interceding in Aurora. Raddatz immediately stopped Vance, who corrected him, saying, “Only a few complexes were impacted.” So apparently, a few is an acceptable number for the Left. Would they be so callous if these gangs were invading their neighborhoods? I doubt it, but remember, these people condemn walls and live in walled or gated properties. It is sheer hypocrisy.

While on the subject of hypocrisy, it is incredible that we should not be concerned about a few traumatized and displaced Americans while we need to completely change policies to let males compete against women or stock tampons in men’s rooms to accommodate 1% of the population. These examples show how the Left can pick different parameters to support its agendas.

Kamala Harris loves to point to the defeated Immigration Bill that the Biden/Harris Administration supported. Still, they fail to point out that the bill specifically allowed at least two million illegal crossings annually. Why should a comprehensive immigration bill allow a single unlawful entry? If any immigration bill is brought to Congress, it better include a completely sealed border before any Republican dares vote for it. Harris is totally disingenuous in calling this bill comprehensive and bipartisan. Six Democrats voted against her favored bill.

There are too many issues that have evolved from our porous border that deserve no leniency. There is no number of Fentanyl deaths that are acceptable. There is no number of American women or girls attacked, raped, or killed by illegals that is acceptable. There is no number of cities or towns that are burdened by busloads of people who have entered this country illegally and are unvented that is acceptable.

If Democrats want to address the legal immigration problem, they must first acknowledge the problem of illegals and separate the two. Kamala Harris must be held accountable for the failure of our southern border. She can talk about the recent reduction in flow, but that is tantamount to bragging about 3% inflation after two years of 9%. The American people are smart enough to see through such reasoning, and let’s hope voters do, too.

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