By Ray Cardello for November 5, 2023, Season 23 / Post 1
In a feeble effort at deflection, Hunter Biden went to the media this week to plead his case that he is the victim of all the attention focused on the nation’s most prominent crime family, The Biden Cartel. He claims that he is being wrongly labeled a drug addict, which he feels is taking advantage of his unfortunate medical condition. Sorry Hunter, but nobody is buying your story because you already documented your sorry saga on websites like Pornhub, where you featured your drug and sex addiction. Your self-produced internet documentary was filmed at the same time you were spearheading your money-making campaign, extorting millions from countries around the globe, and bartering access to your father when he was Vice President and President.
We have suffered through your network interviews and discussions about your book. We have seen documentaries on FOX that delved into your life to show you are a low-quality individual. We got the play-by-play of you first denying your child, then doing all you could to avoid responsibility and support, and then finally settling to avoid a very embarrassing court case in Arkansas that you knew would not end in your favor. We even watched as you hid in the White House for weeks to avoid being served papers for this custody battle. Could there be a better example of the coward you are? No.
To show where you get the roots of your make-up, we witnessed your father, our President, deny your daughter’s existence for years until he and Jill finally succumbed to pressure and announced their new granddaughter to the world. You definitely are your father’s son, both cut from the same cloth. The Biden Family had a break for a few weeks while the House was in disarray with no Speaker. With that situation resolved, the worst outcome possible for the Bidens may have been Mike Johnson’s election to take the Gavel. A no-nonsense, fact-driven guy who may pave the way for Comer or Jordan to proceed with Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden. That is why you see Hunter’s attempt to change the focus and look for empathy. It was a weak effort and short-lived.
The evidence is stacking up against Joe Biden. The copies of checks are tracking payments to the President, and the thousands of emails on Joe’s pseudonym email accounts may uncover a plethora of damning evidence. There may be as many as 82,000 pages of emails, which makes Hilary’s stash look amateurish. How did Joe have any time to perform the duties of his job while writing so many emails? Maybe that is why he needs a long weekend every week at the beach. He must be in the basement glued to his keyboard. The story unfolding may explain why Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer are positioning themselves as alternatives, as I don’t think anyone sees Biden on the 2024 ballot. It may be his age, health, or impeachment, but I think the end of Biden’s political career is being written. I won’t shed a tear at the end of this saga.
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