
I Am One Of The Lucky Ones

Personal Journey Entry # 19

I am one of the lucky ones. I am one of the few who caught my cancer early enough that I can have an Esophagectomy to remove my esophagus, half my stomach, and all of the cancer cells. I am one of the lucky ones who can go on living because of routine screening and prompt action by my team of doctors. I am one of the lucky survivors because of the tremendous support of my sweetheart, Shay, and My Angels, who have been walking this journey and praying with and for me every step of the way. Ironically, I will be having my Esophagectomy on April 3, during Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month.

I still have no symptoms nor an ounce of fear about the operation I will have to remove the cancer from my body. The only thing I can attribute to that lack of trepidation is my faith that God is with me, as are the doctors who have explained every step in the process, and the support groups that Shay and I have found and enjoyed. My friends and coworkers have been amazing with their calls and visits filled with laughter, good wishes, and lots of prayers, but I want to focus today on the new friends we have found who have prepared us for the rest of our journey.

Our new friends, Mike and Diane, learned of my cancer from reading my blog and reached out to us early on to let us know that they are sharing our journey and sending prayers from their farm in South Dakota. Dave and Kathy from Illinois, who we were matched up with by the Imerman Angels, have been available 24/7 to text, email, or videocall to talk about their similar journey and what we can expect on ours. They have been absolutely amazing. Paige at the Dempsy Center has been leading our Thursday support group for newly diagnosed cancer patients and has been so helpful with dealing with the emotions and fears of the life change presented by cancer. Not only have these people and groups prepared us and eased any anxiety, but looking forward to the sessions has helped us pass the time until surgery more quickly.

We are ten days out. I have a full week of driving and then a long weekend in Maine to relax, have one last get-together with our Pond Folks, and just spend some quiet time with Shay and Jazzee Girl. After a long wait, all the furniture has arrived for the Highlands house, which now feels like our home. Perfect timing, and I cannot wait to get back here after a week in the hospital and start the recovery. We have been working on our master to-do list and getting as ready as possible. Now, we can concentrate on praying to the only one who matters. We are in his hands, and we pray he will keep us safe and get me healthy once again.

Thanks for stopping by. God Bless and Keep You, Ray

Categories: Journey

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