
Isn’t There Anyone On Her Staff With Some Guts

By Ray Cardello for March 10, 2025, Season 31 / Post 10

Kamala Harris didn’t just lose the 2024 Election to Donald Trump; she exposed herself as the charlatan that most of us had suspected. Harris tried to pull a Mohamed Ali and play rope-a-dope with Donald Trump, but she got a lesson from a master marketer. Trump showed Harris that you need a message that resonates, an ability to communicate your message and a knack for connecting with the people. Trump was 3-0 by those parameters, while Harris was shut out at 0-3. The race was not as close as the numbers. She never stood a chance against the Trump machine and the MAGA movement. Harris was an ineffective Vice President and a feckless campaigner. She was out of her league in 2024, and nobody on her staff dares to tell her to cut her losses and write a book.

While her running mate, Tim Walz, is considering a run for President in 2028, the real world is getting a good laugh at the possibility of Tampon Tim on the debate stage. That Timmy is even considering a run is evidence of how low the Democrat Party has sunk. There is nobody except for possibly Governor Shapiro of Pennsylvania that would excite anyone on the Left and pose a serious challenge to J.D. Vance. With the Party’s current state, Walz is probably working on his singing voice to go with his dance steps on stage. Somebody, please smack some sense into this Progressive clown from the Socialist state of Minnesota.

Kamala Harris knows she has no shot at beating or even debating Vance, so she is looking for another way to damage the country. With Gavin Newsom content with the damage he has inflicted on California and termed out in 2028, he has already abandoned the helm and launched a podcast to get his campaign jump-started for President. That vacancy in Sacramento has Kamala licking her lips and getting her word salad campaign ready to go. It isn’t easy taking this article seriously because these two politicians are poised to turn the 2028 campaign season into an SNL skit.

A failing state with more people and businesses leaving than the homeless can replace. The state is broke and spending money in a similar fashion to the Feds; we don’t have it but still have ink to print it. Just keep the money flowing to areas and causes that will give us the most votes in return. California is no longer the State of Reagan, and like New York, a coffee cup with a Blue D painted on it can win an election. Somehow, Newsom believes he can take his Progressive ideas that failed the Golden State to Washington, and his charisma will make a difference.

Kamala has no record to run on. She got her start in San Francisco in Mayor Willy Brown’s bed. She somehow won a Senate seat and turned a disastrous presidential run into a DEI VP run. She has no accomplishments as VP, and maybe that makes her perfect for California. Her donors from 2024 are still looking for a refund, so money may be an issue, but George Soros will probably open his wallet for both of these charlatans because he would love to leave this earth as a winner, and in his world, a winner can be bought.

Categories: Uncategorized

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