
It’s Becoming Real

Personal Journey Entry # 9

It’s been three weeks since getting the word. Three weeks of balancing a wandering mind and thinking every new pain or throb is a symptom. It has been hell trying to deal with the unknown. The more I tried to stay in the moment, the more challenging it became. It has been against my nature not to be on the web researching this evil growing inside me, but the negative info was not healthy. I have to hold onto my faith in God that this is merely a challenge He will get me through.

I met with Dr. Federico today at Portsmouth Regional Hospital. He is one of the two surgeons working with me on this journey. He had the usual good news/bad news scenario. The good is that he does not believe the cancer has spread to any other organs. The bad news is that the only viable option will be extreme surgery. Nothing will be final until the additional test results come in, but he is ruling out an Endoscopic Scrape of the esophagus. The entire esophagus will need to be removed, and half of my stomach. The removed stomach will be used to construct a new esophagus to reconnect my throat and stomach. This involves three areas for the surgery: throat, chest, and stomach, and will require the team of two surgeons. The silver lining is I can cancel my Noom Membership as the average weight loss for this surgery and recovery is 60-100 pounds. Look out, Bear Pond, the old Speedo is coming back!

I feel comfortable with this team in Portsmouth over going to Boston. First, I am a believer that there are good and bad medical people everywhere. These doctors have worked in Boston, trained surgeons in Boston, written books on the procedure, and, the big one, they are comfortable in Portsmouth. That works for me. And don’t forget the other member of the team, God, works everywhere, and I know he will be with me.

And it goes without saying I have all of you, the best support team I could ask for. God Bless you all.

Love, Ray

Categories: Journey

1 reply »

  1. Oh boy. That’s a tough one. There is good news however if you realize you have the chance to be cancer free when this is over. Thanks for the update, we’ve been thinking about you. Continuing with prayers.

    Mike & Diane

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