
Kamala Turns Vibe And Joy Into Fear And Lies

By Ray Cardello for August 23, 2024, Season 28 / Post 16

The Kamala Harris acceptance speech at the DNC was challenging and infuriating to watch. This speech on the convention’s closing night was the latest step in the coup that brought Kamala Harris from the least popular vice president of all time to the savior of democracy in six short, mind-bending weeks. As we still await a policy page on the Harris/Walz official campaign website, Harris took to the stage, got her ovation from thousands of sign-waving zealots, and proceeded to bloody Donald Trump’s campaign with a litany of lies while being sure to keep her campaign vague and policy free.

We are 32 days into Harris’ campaign, which has been focused on vibe and joy. Vibe and joy do not govern a nation, making it difficult to understand why Kamala Harris’ poll numbers have increased in five weeks. Prior to her stealing the candidacy from Biden, Democrats were plotting to usurp her from the ballot. She was a liability and added nothing to the ticket. She was also unknown to 25% of those polled the day after Biden dropped out of the race. The only specific policy she has cited on the trail is eliminating the tax on tips for hospitality workers, which she stole from Donald Trump. Harris has not performed the duties as VP, has had a 92% turnover in her staff, and has not made a case for why she is prepared to be president.

In her speech, she talked about her mother’s journey, which was interesting, but her mother is not running for president. She then proceeded to a lengthy segment crushing Donald Trump. It was a relentless string of accusations, most of them lies, and Harris knows it. This was an opportunity for Harris to reach a large audience, many of them seeing her for the first time. People who are not tuned into the political scene may look at this speech, not fact-check it, and think Harris is a viable option for serving as president.

Some of the lies are:

  • Trump will cut Medicare and Social Security
  • Trump authored the 2025 Project
  • Trump would impose a national ban on abortion
  • Trump would impose a national sales tax

All of these, and others in the speech, have been independently debunked.

Harris, Walz, and their surrogates know they are making false statements, but they continue to make the claims because they hurt Trump, the media will not call them on the lies, and they gain traction with supporters. The practice is dirty politics at its best, but you can get away with it when the media is complicit with your efforts.

The debate is coming, as is Harris’s promise to give a press conference by the end of August. Harris will have to prove herself when she does not have teleprompters in front of her. She will also be pressed by Trump in the debate, and this usually flusters Harris. This is when her campaign may turn south. The honeymoon may be over with 78 days to go. Harris has also refused a second debate, which Trump proposed would have been hosted by FOX. Harris will not go near Fox.

One last thing on IT bias. If you go to YouTube and search for Harris’ DNC speech and comments, you will be hard-pressed to find the FOX post, which lands on page 3.

Harris made many vague claims that she would work on and that her administration would concentrate on change and getting America on track. She speaks as if she and Biden were not in the White House for the last four years, and her proposals are not in line with Biden’s policies, which she backed. Biden has also been in the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. This is why Kamala has been labeled the Kameleon.

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1 reply »

  1. If she should win (and that would only be by cheating), she would merely be a puppet controlled by Obama and his minions. The last four years have shown us precedent for that.