By Ray Cardello for October 28, 2021 Season 6 / Post 38
When the Vice President, Kamala Harris, was placed in charge of the Border Crisis by President Joe Biden, she claimed that there was no crisis at the Border but that the Root Cause of the mass migration of immigrants to our Border is the conditions in the Northern Triangle. She does not see a problem with the 200,000 illegals coming into our country via our Border with Mexico every month. She considers the dire conditions in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador as the problem we need to solve.
Now, I do not want to discuss the failure of Kamala Harris to do anything about the Border Crisis or the Root Causes in this post. That is a topic for another day and post. What I want to discuss here is the need for consistency in their approach to serious issues. If you are going to look past an apparent problem, such as the breach of our Border, to examine the trigger or impetus that initiated the eventual problem, then be consistent with your procedure. We are not witnessing consistency with the Biden Administration. We see reactionary decisions depending on how they best serve their narrative.
In the recent action taken by Attorney General Merrick Garland in response to a letter he received from the NSBA, National School Board Association, we see this lack of consistency. There was no concern for the Root Cause provoking any violence, or perceived violence, toward any local school board. The AG took the NSBA letter and unidentified articles that he had read and immediately drafted a directive for all departments, including the FBI, to get involved in investigating people who may be too forceful in their interactions with school boards.
There are many aspects of this situation that are troubling to me. First and foremost is the knee-jerk reaction by the Attorney General taking a letter from an organization, doing no investigation, performing no due diligence but directly going from a letter received to a directive to the Justice Department. The NSBA has subsequently retracted their letter, but in two hearings before Congress, one in the House and today in the Senate, the AG still defends his directive.
Secondly, the school boards around the country, including the board of my hometown, Exeter, New Hampshire, are suppressing free speech and dialogue between the public and the boards. Board meetings are held with no public intervention, time for public comments restricted to minute times like two minutes, or questions are allowed but to a mute board that refuses to answer. These procedures are not conducive to dialogue, let alone free speech.
Lastly, the Department of Education appointed the president of the National School Boards Association (NSBA), Viola Garcia, to a federal board overseeing student progress, despite the controversial letter the organization sent urging the Biden administration to investigate opposition to school boards. Viola Garcia signed that letter. Though the AG continues to deny any, the evidence of collusion by the NSBA, the White House, and the Attorney General continues to mount.
In this case, the parents protesting the decisions of their local school boards are under the microscope and, in some cases, arrested. If we want to be consistent, the Justice Department should be looking past the parents’ reactions and focusing on the Root Cause of the disagreements. The Root Cause is the radical ideology of the current educational system.
I wrote recently about the generational transformation of the education system. Parents are now starting to wake up to what has happened. The emphasis has shifted to Critical Race Theory and Diversity, Equity, Justice, and Inclusion and away from Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Scores are dropping, as is our ranking in the world. The Progressive members of school boards will tell you that they are preparing our children for the future. Parents are saying NO. They want schools to get back to the basics of education.
Parents are angry, and the school boards are not going to win this battle. They have pushed too far, and they poked the bear. The bear is growling, and it will not be silenced until these boards listen and get this system back on track.
This article was first published on The Liberty Loft thelibertyloft.com
Categories: Uncategorized
Great first article Ray! Garland should resign. Public schools are a mess even in our small town, it’s a shame. Somedays I feel like I’d do a better job… I’m just a cashier but throw me in there haha they need help
Don’t you ever say you are just a cashier. You are a mother and a community ambassador. You know more about Exeter than most elected officials. Keep paying attention and speaking your mind.