By Ray Cardello for June 19, 2024, Season 27 / Post 6
We have talked about President Joe Biden freezing three times in the last two weeks. He went into a trance at the Juneteenth festival, surrounded by folks dancing and clapping, but not stoic Joe. He was frozen like a statue. In Italy, at the G7 meeting where the heads of state were focused on the skydiver that landed closest to the group, Joe was walking off toward another group of divers when he was stopped and turned around by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Finally, Joe was on stage with Barack Obama at a fund raiser, when he froze again and was rescued by Obama, who led Joe off the stage. These three situations happened within ten days.
When Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about the situation, she immediately claimed Right-wing media teams manipulated the videos to make the president look especially bad. She called the videos “cheap fake,” and the news agencies should be called out for spreading misinformation or disinformation. KJP is the one who should be called out. The videos in question were official pool feeds of the event and were shown in their entirety. Nobody in the briefing room challenged the liar secretary. KJP is a National Embarrassment. She went on to say these fakes show how desperate the Republicans are that instead of talking about the many accomplishments of Biden, they disparage him instead.
Legacy media joined forces with the White House, and people like Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough were apoplectic in their reporting of the Cheap Fakes. These mainstream media outlets had nothing to say about the White House refusing to release the audio version of the President’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur. They know the tone of the audio transcript would be very dangerous for the president.
In another document that should be rather innocuous is the Defense Budget proposal. Ordinarily the budget is given its new budget number based on the previous year’s numbers. Fortunately, someone on the Right performed their due diligence and read the budget. Buried in the text was an edict to have every female register for the draft upon her 18th birthday. Republican members of Congress were furious when they learned of the additional verbiage added to the budget and vowed not to vote for any defense bill calling for young women to register for the draft.
KJP lectured the White House Press Pool, and it is disappointing that not a single person stood their ground and told Karine she was wrong. These “reporters” are part of the problem when they hear a blatant falsehood and do not challenge the person spewing the misinformation. They are complicit in their inaction. The actions of the White House are a perfect example of projection, and it is insulting. I had two articles censored by Facebook last week that contained nothing but facts and opinions. Still, this woman, who speaks for the President, can lie to us every time her lips move behind the mic is destructive to the government’s credibility. Thankfully we have only seven months left before she is retired.
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