
Maine Is Enjoying The Calm Between The Storms, So Are The Illegals

Bear Pond Conservative Chronicles, Ray Cardello, 7/21/24, Volume 1-29

2024 was a difficult and tumultuous year for Republicans as the Democrat controlled political machine worked feverishly to pass as many progressive bills into law as possible. I may be giving them too much credit that they saw the writing on the wall for November with momentum building for the other side, or maybe they were simply caught up in their self-generated euphoria. I think it was the latter, as they felt they were on a roll and enjoying the success of pressing the limits of progressive insanity.

From the most liberal abortion law (I’m sorry, reproductive rights law) to establishing Maine as a sanctuary state for abortion and gender reassigning care, the Democrats proved how little they care for the life and welfare of the unborn and youth of Maine. Concessions have been made, and funds allocated for housing, education, and healthcare of illegal migrants who are finding their way to Maine as a possible final destination in their journey. While Maine’s citizens are finding it difficult to make ends meet in Biden’s economy and afford a decent place to live for their families, properties are being designated, or new construction is rushed to have free accommodations for these illegals who are now calling Maine home.

This dichotomy is challenging for native Mainers to accept and afford. Mainers are hard-working people who have made lumber and lobster two of the most important industries in the state, but both are being attacked with new regulations. In contrast, recreational marijuana, Maine’s third biggest industry, is coddled and encouraged. These flawed policies and liberal spending have made Maine one of the top five states with the highest tax burdens for its citizens.

One more initiative by the Left that is giving angst to much of Maine is the aversion to Voter ID and the encouragement of illegals to register to vote. Both actions are designed to keep progressive Democrats in power while diluting the exclusive rights of citizens.

It is actually good when the Maine legislature is out of session. They cannot push through new progressive laws or waste our money needlessly. But one other government action that seems to be out of session is the busting and termination of illegal Chinese pot farms. In the spring, state and local law enforcement were active, and nearly two dozen illicit farms were identified and closed. For some reason, closing the remaining 200 known operations is also on summer vacation. There has not been a single reported bust since April. This lack of activity makes no sense. The Chinese involvement in this national dilemma has gotten media attention, as has the reluctance by Merrick Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas to involve Federal assistance to the states involved. I would hate to say that the hiatus is being encouraged by the Feds as part of the Biden administration’s appeasement of all illegal Chinese activities on American soil, but what other explanation can there be?

These operations are dangerous on many levels. Aside from the illegal pot, they are a safety hazard to the communities, with all of the extra electricity used in residential buildings. The Chinese nationals that are actually working these farms are basically slaves to the cartel. They cannot leave the premises and are expected to work 24/7. The smell emanating from the buildings is polluting the neighborhood, and the human and sex trafficking that is known to be associated with these farms is a danger to many. Residents see where these “farms” are located and must get involved. Contact your local police, and don’t stop until these operations are shut down, properties seized, and future use is eliminated.

Categories: Maine, Uncategorized