I Am One Of The Lucky Ones
Personal Journey Entry # 19 I am one of the lucky ones. I am one of the few who caught my cancer early enough that I can have an Esophagectomy to remove

Never For A Moment Has It Been Why Me
Personal Journey Entry # 18 It is hard to think about having cancer yet being the luckiest guy in the world, but that is how I feel. We already talked about the

Health Choices Are Like Rolling The Dice
Personal Journey Entry # 17 Medical screenings are incredible tools until they are inconclusive and force you to make a choice on the unknown. When the PET Scan I had last week,

A Week Of New Friends And Doctors
Personal Journey Entry # 16 The week is far from over, but it has already been emotional and amazing. We continue to be impressed with the medical people on our team and

The Support Is Immense
Personal Journey Entry # 15 One thing I realized very early is that cancer is a team sport. So many wonderful people inside and outside our circle are willing to share the

It’s Been A Dynamic Week, And It Ain’t Over
Personal Journey Entry # 14 After a few weeks in limbo and waiting, things are beginning to happen quickly, but before I get into the details, I want to share a couple