What happens when people find themselves at a gross disadvantage and a life of prosperity does not appear to be a possibility in their future? They turn to alternative means to make ends meet. The drug trade and sex trade are two possibilities as is the life attached to a gang like MS13. This influx is like a new recruiting class for the underworld and our government is facilitating the supply. In the name of compassion, we are doing the cruelest thing possible to these young people and if they are coming across with a real family, they will all have front row seats to this unfortunate sad end to this story.
The Biden administration does not have a clue as to how to handle the crisis they have created. They are calling on the military, FEMA, federal volunteers and private citizens who want to foster these children. Just a question but why are foster homes necessary if these kids are coming across and allowed to stay because they have a contact number of a close relative already living in this country? Could this be another lie….Of course it is. Just like the one about Kamala Harris heading up the handling of the border crisis. The White House is already circling back on that as they seem do to with every decision they announce. Let’s all just have a good laugh about it all like Harris does with every question posed of her.What the heck is that all about anyway? If it is a nervous laugh as explained, then she is in the deep end and cannot tread water. Imagine what one of these calls with a foreign head of state sounds like. They probably thinking they have been mistakenly connected with the laugh track of the Seinfeld Show. She is pathetic and it explains why she was out of the race before the first primary vote was cast. She is there because she is a black woman….period. Every member of the Biden Administration checks off a box…..Black, Hispanic, Asian, Transgendered, gay…..you name the category and Biden has satisfied it….BUT…..none of them are qualified which is why we are in a mess and there is nobody in aisle 4 for the clean-up.
I am not sure who is going to have the strength to stand up and try to put this ship back on course but it is obvious that their is nobody associated with Biden / Harris can accomplish that task. We have twenty months until the midterms. That is a long time to hold on but hold tight we must. We also need to fight with every tool we can get our hands on. The life of our country is at stake and she is calling out for our help. We must pick up the phone and answer her call. This blog was supposed to be about Vaccine passports but that idea is already being walked back. Like so many things being said about decisions coming out of this White House, circling back is the new management style of Joe Biden. This fifty year veteran of our political system is either a failure, a very slow learner or someone with diminished capacity who is not capable of making decisions or guiding this country. Someone has to stand up and give us some hope that we can correct the damage being done and that we can again move forward from this bad dream.
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