By Ray Cardello for January 3, 2023 Season 15 / Post 24
We Conservatives have been looking forward to January 3 since November. We had high hopes for a significant majority after the midterms, but we were disappointed. We are settling for a slim majority, but it is a majority. With the Democrats still in control of the Senate, the best we can hope for is to slow down this Progressive destruction of America. That is no small impact, for if we had that majority in December, we could have held up the $1.7 Trillion Omnibus pork-filled bill. We cannot dictate policy or legislation, but we can hinder it.
I hoped the GOP would have used the last two months to unify and be ready to take full advantage of its new power. Instead, we have a power struggle between Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ) for the Speaker position. Competition is good, but not at this time with the leadership. We need to change the power paradigm of the Democrats, and that cannot be done with a divided party. The Speaker situation will be decided by a vote on Day 1 of the session, then it is time to get to work.
The most significant change that will occur immediately is the removal of Schiff, Nadler, and Watters from committee chairs. The era of Trump witch-hunts in the House will end, and we can turn our attention to more critical matters like Afghanistan, the crisis at the Southern Border, the poisoning of the FBI, and the Biden Money Cartel. I do not list the last subject lightly. Hunter Biden will be under the microscope, and the money he embezzled from foreign countries and companies will be scrutinized. The part that Joe Biden had in the decade-plus money-making scheme will be uncovered.
Getting to the bottom of Joe Biden’s relationship with China, Russia, Iran, and Ukraine because of the money the Bidens have taken from these entities is a must. The money gained has compromised the President. It is a National Security risk for the country. We cannot have a strong relationship with these adversaries if the President is indebted to them; that is where we are. We cannot be looking to build a case to impeach Biden, for God forbid Kamala Harris ever occupy the Oval Office. We need to expose Biden and prevent him from a successful run for re-election.
The first six months will be an audition for 2024. If the performance of the House is a continuation of the malaise we have witnessed for the last few years, then we stand no chance of significant gains in the General Election of 2024. Meaningful investigations that bring about accountability will be a plus for the new Republican-led House.
There is not a minute to waste. When Nancy Pelosi hands over the gavel tomorrow, it is pedal down time, and we must match the intensity the Democrats have with their win-at-any-cost mentality. It is a new day tomorrow. Let’s pray for a new GOP.
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