
New Jersey Turns From Blue To Red, White, and Blue

By Ray Cardello for May 13, 2024, Season 26 / Post 22

You don’t hear about New Jersey as much as you would think. It’s pretty much an extension of New York and is similarly aligned as a solid Blue state. On Saturday night, New Jersey was anything but quiet, and most of the 80,000 people gathered to rally around the former and soon-to-be President Donald Trump, created a sea of red as far as the cameras could see. It was a fantastic spectacle and should send shivers of fear up the spine of every Democrat. Joe Biden is using every tool in his bag, some of them unconstitutional, to dampen the impact of Donald Trump, but even keeping him gagged and confined to a New York courtroom for three weeks only heightened the MAGA enthusiasm in the Garden State. Even when he breaks the rules, Biden is a failure, and the momentum is building for a November landslide of Reaganesque proportions.

Fresh off a tense week in court where Alvin Bragg used Stormy Daniels to embarrass the former President but has yet to define the charge against Trump. Judge Merchan has stomped on the Constitution with the restrictions imposed on Trump and the irrelevant testimony he has allowed for the sole purpose of disparaging Trump. He has fined Trump for talking publicly about the trial while allowing Michael Cohen to speak openly on TikTok while wearing a sweatshirt showing Trump behind bars. This trial should be shot down as a mistrial, or a hung jury will acquit Trump, but Merchan has built the appeal. Trump defied all gag orders on Saturday night and spoke freely about the case.

He also had a field day criticizing every aspect of the Biden Presidency, and Joe has given Trump plenty of material. New York Giants great Lawrence Taylor appeared and declared he is no longer a Democrat and is now a member of the MAGA Trump team. Trump pledged to redraw the electoral map in 2024 and would turn states like New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Michigan Red. Every state is in play for Trump, and he deserves every one of them.

Someone else was in attendance and maybe a harbinger of a coming announcement. Greg Burgham is a businessman, Governor of North Dakota, and on the shortlist for Trump’s Vice President choice. Burgham made little impact on his run for President this year, but he has shown that after dropping out of the race, he is a solid middle-of-the-road Republican and a perfect complement to Trump. Trump openly attacked every Republican in the primary field except Burgham, who has been a solid Trump supporter since 2016. That loyalty is paying dividends and has been promised a prominent role in the Trump Administration. He may have parlayed his support into the number two slot and a shot at the big desk in 2028.

As much as Biden gaslights America trying to convince them how great things are, Americans are not sniffing the gas. People understand reality and know the country was in a better place under Trump than Biden. Biden has damaged this country beyond belief and done more to destroy Democracy than Trump could ever conceive. Biden will lose in November, and he should. The American people will never trust a future election if he pulls off a miracle and secures reelection. Those 81 million voters he enjoyed in 2020 will sit this one out.


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