By Ray Cardello for November 10, 2023, Season 23 / Post 6
What does Iran have on Barack Obama and Joe Biden? What kind of a deal did these two Presidents cut with the number one supporter of terrorism in the world? For nearly sixteen years, Obama and Biden have been clearing the way for Iran to build tremendous wealth, and the cash flow was only interrupted for four years when Donald Trump sat behind the big desk and slapped sanctions on Iran, not pad their retirement fund. Let’s examine just how much money was diverted to Iran during Obama’s two terms and Biden’s one term. I think you will be shocked at the number, but it is still growing.
Estimates vary, but the consensus is that Barack Obama is responsible for $150 Billion injected into the Iran economy. Most of this money comes from unfreezing Iran’s assets as part of the Iran nuclear deal signed by Barack Obama. This cash was in addition to the pallet of money and gold bars a U.S. cargo plane delivered to seal the nuclear deal. Obama admitted to giving Iran $400 million. Obama knew that Iran was financing Hamas and their terrorist activities in the Middle East and that some of this money given to Iran would end up in the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah. Obama consummated the deal anyway.
When Trump took office in 2021, he immediately terminated the nuclear deal with Iran and again froze their assets. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done, and Hamas and Hezbollah had the funds they needed. Without access to their cash, Iran was quiet for the four years that Trump was in office. All of that changed on day one of Biden’s first term. Biden signed executive orders to re-enter the nuclear agreement and released the sanctions imposed by Trump. Iran and the Democrat party were back in business.
Obama said this week that nobody’s hands are clean when it comes to the Middle East and this current battle between Israel and Hamas. He is absolutely correct, and his and Joe Biden’s are very bloody hands. When Biden took office, Iran was virtually broke. By releasing the sanctions on Iran and allowing them to start selling oil to Russia once again, their cash reserve has increased by $80 billion in less than three years. This money is the direct result of Joe Biden’s policies. This money is being used to fund Hamas and resulted in the slaughter of over 1400 Israelis on October 7. There is no upside to what Joe Biden had done. There was no benefit to the United States or the world for allowing Iran to be again this close to having nuclear weapons. The only conclusion that a logical person can come to is that some of this money given to Iran found its way into the Democrat Party or Obama or Biden’s personal bank accounts. There is nothing that these two presidents have done that has not benefited them personally. There is no argument that these two men dislike America that much that they would get into bed with Iran to put Israel and the world in danger
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First off, I have kept articles, speeches, videos of Obama from the first time he declared he’d run for office, and with his Lies and being a Fraud, it is obvious he was Not thrilled with America in the first place. He had stated in the past, “If the winds of war turn in another direction, I WILL ALWAYS STAND WITH THE MUSLIMS!”
Folks, this guy IS a Muslim; he backed his fellow Muslims, brought forth the groups that STILL fight against Israel, etal. He is dressed in Muslim Garb when stating ‘We are Taliban” and he’s did give to Iran-The Terrorists who were STILL trying to advance their Nuclear Weapons as they threatened the world; He aided them, and gave them billions that was held back from them, along with pallets of Gold from America, and he did this in ‘the dark of night’ JUST as he imported Muslims from the M.E. into Mn. to fill that state with them, along w/his pal, Elliott, a Muslim who was caught on tape abusing physically and verbally his girlfriend(that her young son did witness this video) Instead of Being Charged with this offense, he was given the Post of A.G. in Mn. the Muslim Stronghold in America, with the likes of Omah-who stole her way into office, giving millions to her boyfriend, then when he became her 3rd?Husband(brother also) They Both took Millions in Taxpayer Funds to use in their OWN COFFERS. This, is the kind of thing, that turns people against Obama and all he’s done Against White America, Our Constitution he shredded on a daily basis, that is to “Protect American Citizens FROM Gov’t Oppression”…but instead of that, he used All his Intel Agencies to ‘SPY, Lie, and Do HIS BIDDING in his Attempts to STOP, DONALD J. TRUMP FROM BEING ELECTED IN 2016, WHEN OBAMA, WANTED HILLARY TO FOLLOW HIM INTO OFFICE, AND CONTINUE THE ‘MARXIST AGENDA AS TAUGHT TO BOTH BY THEIR ‘HERO, MARXIST, SAUL ALINKY WHO WROTE: “RULES FOR RADICALS” that Both Hillary and Obama(who taught Alinsky’s methods to Acorn Thugs) STILL PUSH HIS AGENDA.