Personal Journey Entry # 7
It was just 9 a.m., and I finally had my second cup of coffee. It had been such a good day that the coffee tasted extra good this morning. When I started my blog and daily writing over 1,600 days ago, it was not because I had the definitive word on any subject that caught my attention. It was because I was hoping to start a conversation. I was hoping to stimulate ideas, both pro and con, that could generate dialogue and debate. I think from comments I have received that I have hit the mark. Sometimes the comments bring things to a stop. I received one today from a person I have not met, but who knows me through my work. The words he sent brought me to tears, which is a wonderful thing. Those tears mean I am still full of life, feelings, and hope. I sent Mike a thank you note, but I do not think he will ever know how important it was to take a moment and share some positive thoughts of success. Good thoughts and prayers are what is needed today.
Mike wrote:
Prayers for you both. You’ve been my favorite columnist for some time now. My wife has gotten used to me reading your column to her over morning coffee. Nearly 70, I haven’t been given the awful news like you have. Both my son and son-in-law have thankfully been able to ‘ring the bell’. Treatments are improving every day with greater success for patients. Stay positive!
I hope that when Mike reads this entry to his wife, they will know about the impact they have made on me. When I have my Bourbon tonight, I will be toasting a friend who is yet made. Thank You, Mike, and God Bless you both.
The other welcome news this morning was the approval for my PET scan. I can get it and my Endoscopy/Ultrasound done and meet with my doctors to set the plan. That is a giant step for me. I now feel like we are making progress.
Thank you all, and God Bless.
Categories: Journey
I’m glad I stumbled upon this blog.