By Ray Cardello for October 15, 2022 Season 13 / Post 40
RANDI WEINGARTEN is president of the 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, representing teachers; paraprofessionals and school-related personnel; higher education faculty and staff; nurses and other healthcare professionals; local, state, and federal government employees; and early childhood educators. The AFT is dedicated to believing that every person in America deserves the freedom to thrive, fueled by opportunity, justice, and a voice in our democracy. This freedom is achieved through an economy that works for all, including the ability to form a union; great public schools and affordable higher education; healthcare as a right; retirement security; the right to vote and civil rights; a vibrant democracy; and safe, welcoming and healthy environments and communities. The AFT and its members advance these principles through community engagement, organizing, collective bargaining, and political activism, and primarily through members’ work—we care, fight, show up and vote. Randi Weingarten has accumulated a net worth of $5 million for her efforts. Much more than any of her members will ever see. Randi Weingarten is a pariah.
The purpose of the union is passé. Unions have no place in politics or policy setting. They no longer have to be concerned with workplace conditions. They no longer need to be concerned with an hourly wage. Pensions are not an issue so let’s make it about equity and reproductive rights. They have outlived their purpose and are trying to find relevance.
To ensure full disclosure, I was in management for my entire career. I never thought about joining a union until I had to when I started driving a bus. I was so angry this week as two union reps were standing outside our bus lot handing out political flyers. The Teamsters union is pushing a candidate for NH Governor high on women’s reproductive rights. Abortion is not reproductive, and calling it such is a lie. Why should a single penny of my dues go to a political campaign? No, make it stop. I am Pro-life, and you insult me when you take my hard-earned money, disregard my beliefs, and spend my money against my beliefs.
Weingarten was responsible for our children losing nearly two years of their education. The government gave her the money she wanted, but that was not enough. She wants total control of our children to turn them into America-hating Socialists. Until this woman erases every semblance of our past and recreates our children in her image, will she be satisfied.
Weingarten was in Ukraine this week. Why, and who paid for this excursion to a war zone? She claimed she was there to support the Ukraine Teacher’s Union. She has already destroyed our education system. Now she wants to go global. One of her most bizarre statements was that what Putin has done is atrocious, and she will not let him get away with it. What the hell is she going to do? Throw a chalkboard eraser at him. How stupid, but Liberals will listen and back this evil person.
Randi Weingarten is not for teachers. She is not for our kids. She is for Randi Weingarten, and she is being successful because people are allowing her. Stop her…..Now.
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