By Ray Cardello for November 3, 2022 Season 14 / Post 9
It is midnight, and the clock has chimed. It is the end of the fairy tale for Maggie Hassan. She has been playing the role of United States Senator from New Hampshire for the last six years, but we all knew it wasn’t real. If you get Maggie alone at Dunkin Donuts or Market Basket, you might hear her admit she has been in over her head. The loser in this scenario is the people of the Granite State. We have been lacking representation in the upper chamber.
If you were to take Hassan’s advertising at face value, you would think she is a one-woman storm in D.C. and the rising star of the Democrat Party. The problem is we see through the lies, and those lies will be her ultimate downfall. Maggie Hassan has a credibility issue. It has been front and center since she started running ads in the Fall of 2021. The fact an incumbent senator started running ads a year before the election showed she knew she was in trouble of losing her seat. One and done for Maggie.
The ads that are like fingernails on a chalkboard for me are her frequent use of her challenged child and the attack ads against Bolduc featuring lies about abortion and social security. These showed how shallow she and her accomplishments have been. Criticizing the use of someone’s challenged child may be difficult, but she ran them and should be called out for them. Everyone has empathy for any family that is faced with raising a child with physical or mental challenges but running those ads ad nauseam is playing on people’s emotions. These filled the void where if she had significant accomplishments, they would have been highlighted in these spots.
The fact that she did not pull the negative ads about Bolduc’s stands on abortion and social security after they had been fact-checked and proven wrong speaks directly to her character. It was sad and sickening to see these ads day after they were proven false and discussed during debates and criticized across the board, yet they continued. The people of New Hampshire deserve better and will get it next Tuesday.
It is not all Hassan’s fault. The voters of New Hampshire have to take a piece of the blame. They got caught up in the liberal assault of the thousands of people who left Massachusetts for a better life in the Granite State. Unfortunately, these migrants brought their inherent beliefs and could not resist voting Democrat. That movement gave us our current group of representatives. Hassan, Pappas, and Kuster all took advantage of these voters. Kuster may be the only one to survive next Tuesday, and that is because of the concentrated cities of Nashua and Concord.
Maggie will lose next Tuesday because she deserves to lose to a better person. She will lose her seat to a man who has given most of his life in service to America because he loves his country and what she can be. He is not a politician, but a patriot, and that is what we can use more of in Washington. Don Bolduc will become our Junior Senator representing New Hampshire. Sharon and I welcomed him to our home when he ran in 2000, and we could not be more proud to congratulate him on his successful campaign. As the General says, losing is not an option.
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