By Ray Cardello for February 12, 2023 Season 16 / Post 16
We have drifted off course as a nation and have abandoned the ideals that made us the beacon on the hill. Many on the Right have turned their heads and allowed the Woke to achieve a degree of control they do not deserve. We are still in the grips of the Obama years, and Joe Biden is proving even more Progressive. We gave Black Lives Matter the platform to force us to feelings of guilt we did not deserve. And the education machine is reaping the rewards of one hundred years of indoctrination of our children. Many students in our public schools feel we would be better and stronger if we replaced capitalism and democracy with Socialism. We need something or someone to right this ship.
But, every so often, a voice arises with the clarity and conviction that beckons us to listen. We hear that voice from a young man who is wise beyond his years and has the charisma that grips you with his creative thinking. I have enjoyed this man many times on short segments on FOXNews, and this week got to hear him in person, and he made me a believer. For what I think he will do for this country, Vivek Ramaswamy is in this week’s Sunday Spotlight.
Vivek is a first-generation American. His father emigrated to America in the late seventies, and his mother a few years later. His father was an engineer, and his mother was a geriatric psychiatrist. Both came in through our front door and worked hard to realize the dream for their two children. Vivek was born in 1985, and his resume screams overachiever.
He holds a degree in biology from Harvard and received his law degree from Yale. He was yet to turn thirty when he formed a bio-tech company that employed thousands and held many heart-saving pharmaceuticals patents. He is the author of Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam, published in August 2021, and Nation of Victims: Identity Politics, the Death of Merit, and the Path Back to Excellence, published September 13, 2022.
Ramaswamy was dubbed “The C.E.O. of Anti-Woke, Inc.” in a 2022 New Yorker profile and has been described by the Federalist Society as “one of the most compelling conservative voices in the country. He points out the dangerous combination of big government and colluding media. That voice is clear: we must beat down the Woke philosophy, divorce ourselves from the toxic relationship we have with China, and get control of our school system to focus on education, not DEIJ and gender identity.
Vivek admits this effort will require sacrifice, courage, and leadership. The Left is not the party to guide us out of our malaise, and we have to elect a new generation of true conservative candidates in 2024. There is an urgency needed, and we need to find candidates that unify the party and the people. It will take a strong, focused effort to break the hold of the Democrats on America. This is the message of Vivek Ramaswamy. He has dared to say what needs to be done. I am confident that we will hear more from him as he lays out a blueprint to take back this country and make America great again.
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