By Ray Cardello for September 18, 2022 Season 13 / Post 14
Each Sunday, I take a step away from daily politics and focus on something or someone who has done extraordinary things or who we may need to understand or know a little better. This week’s focus is not on a person but on a remedy—a powerful remedy for the mess we have seen created by the Left.
I usually devote my Sunday post to a person, someone who can give us a lift. This week has been very difficult for those who live in reality. No outside force could invade and take America down as quickly as the Democrats are doing. Watching how quickly this once great country is toppling like a house of cards proves that this dismantling is the plan of the Left, not a product of a series of bad decisions. I cannot tell you why or what they envision on the other side, but it is painful. I am glad that there are just a few of the Greatest Generation with us to witness the carnage. They loved this country and sacrificed far too much to see her fall from within. It is a very sad time.
We want to think we can survive this phase and that the power of our vote can rescue us in November. As much as I believe in our system, I fear it too is fractured, and help is not around the corner. I think we are at the point where we need the tools of a Higher Power. It is time for hope and prayer.
I am lucky to have many people in my circle who have a level of faith far greater than their level of fear and anguish at the state of the world. These people have an eerie state of calm as they realize that our time on earth is but preparation for a far greater life beyond. I am drawing strength from these folks. I am using them in a way, but that is okay because they feel that is their purpose, to spread the belief.
The Left is spinning out of control and is too powerful for a conventional counter. They have been working on this plan for generations, and each is but a spoke in the wheel. They are caught in the fury of their creation, and there is no getting off the ride for these progressives. That is an interesting word to describe people with hate and destruction as their core. Regressives is a more fitting moniker.
It is time for us to search deep inside for the power of our hope and prayer. We need something much more potent than any worldly power to get these people to see the danger ahead. They are creating a society devoid of rules and authority. They are destroying our past, so there is no comparison to the future they are aiming towards.
This topic may be more profound than most of my posts, but dark times require introspection. We can take the shots. We have to, for we are more intelligent and stronger. We have history on our side, reminding us of the glory we aspire to return. We will get there, with hope and prayer.
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