By Ray Cardello for August 5, 2022 Season 12 / Post 20
I wrote earlier about the reaction of Mayors Bowser and Adams of D.C. and New York about the buses of illegal aliens they are receiving compliments of the geographic border states. I say geographic only to distinguish the states we used to associate with our Border with Mexico from the Border States of the Northeast. With Biden erasing the Southern Border and destroying our sovereignty, he has effectively made every state in the country a Border State.
Governor Abbott of Texas has been placing willing illegal aliens on buses and transporting them to New York City and Washington, D.C. The aliens appear to be thrilled with their free ride to the big cities of the Northeast, but, unfortunately, the good folk of the big cities are not so thrilled.
I watched a video this morning of illegals exiting a bus having just made the long trip from Texas. They seemed happy and healthy, but there did not appear to be many family units. I saw plenty of young and middle aged men, but very few women and children. How could that be since we were told the majority of immigrants entering our country illegally were families; fathers, mothers, and children? Why so many single men? It seems that would blow a hole in the logic of anyone who is a proponent of an open Border.
Mayor Bowser is simply looking for aid to help with the influx of new residents to her fair city. Typical Democrat. Throw money at any crisis. It may not solve it, but then you still have the money. A great example of redistribution in its purest form. But Mayor Adams is not one to shy away from a microphone or a media minute, even if the premise makes him look like a fool.
Adams has complained loudly since the buses started to find Times Square. He believes it is immoral for Texas not to suck it up and solve its own problem. He fails to see the disparity of his argument. Mayor Adams has had a few hundred new residents of his city via the Abbott Express. He was invited to Texas by Abbott to come and see firsthand the flow of humanity coming to Texas every day. As many as five thousand per day are becoming the problem of various small Texas towns. That is a far more significant burden than to the Big Apple.
Governor Abbott has invited both Mayor Bowser and Adams. Bowser has declined, but Adams continues to make a fool of himself and his city with each trip to the mic. Adams could actually do himself a favor by taking Abbott up on the invitation. He could draw national attention to himself and the horrors of this Biden immigration policy. He continues to decline and instead tries to make Abbott look the heavy in the matter. It is not working.
There is only one person to blame in this Border Crisis. Joe Biden created this mess when he shut down the Wall and turned his back to the crisis. Kamala Harris is equally to blame and as out of touch with the crisis. Neither Joe nor Kamala has visited the Rio Grande to see the horrors of their bad policy firsthand.
Republicans are trying to manage the crisis. Democrats are doing what they do best. They are begging for more money, and they will make any issue disappear. If not, just repeat the process. God bless the ignorant.
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