
The Left Will Be Apoplectic, But We Must Stay The Course

By Ray Cardello for January 1, 2025, Season 30 / Post 47

The Left still owns the media and, therefore, the message. Right or wrong, what the media says is the truth for half the country, and the Left has already started its mission to disrupt or destroy the Trump Presidency. They begin by trying to break the bond between Trump and his followers. By constantly attacking the character and intelligence of people in the MAGA movement, they are trying to chip away at Trump’s popularity and support of the majority of Americans. The mainstream media had already been on a tremendous slide with the Harris campaign and the recognition that the media had been complicit in the hiding of Joe Biden’s eroding mental and physical condition and the underlings who were running the country. That spiral continued after the election as the media lost their collective minds, blasting the voters for putting Trump back in the White House. Rather than recognize the need for them to abandon the bias and get back to reporting the news, they are doubling down and joining the Left to try and take Trump down.

The best weapon against the Left and the media is success. The first hundred days of Trump’s presidency will be crucial to determining whether he will have a two or four-year term. Trump has an aggressive agenda and a high-power team ready to put the pedal down to correct the Biden term and get America back on track. Some of Trump’s ideas are already causing the Left to call him unstable. Buying Greenland and repossessing the Panama Canal are two ideas that draw the most attention. The Left does not take the nanoseconds necessary to realize these two situations’ security and economic impact. The Left finds it far easier to attack rather than justify or debate.

Trump will take his hand off the Bible and take up the pen, correcting many of Joe Biden’s failed decisions, many of which were made to negate every gain of the first Trump term. This act alone will incite the Left even more than Joe Biden’s first day did to the Right. The Left is not just upset. They are angry. They feel a need to fight everything Trump represents, but they are also riled by the curtain pulled back on Uncle Joe. The man the Democrats thought they could trust to have their back slid a shiv right between their collective shoulder blades. Biden and his family have been exposed as the corrupt cartel they are, using Joe’s 50 years of “public service” to build a mountain of ill-gained wealth. The kid from Scranton is laughing all the way to Rehoboth and Nantucket.

The Left will be focusing their anger on Trump, his staff, and his MAGA followers with relentless energy fueled by the daily press releases of Trump’s accomplishments. Getting the country on track, getting the economy cranking while bringing inflation under control, sealing the border, ridding the gangs from every suburban town, making Fentanyl nonexistent, putting the faith back in our military, and unleashing our manufacturing potential by making us energy-independent again will benefit every America regardless of which side of the aisle they occupy. National success will suck the wind out of the Left’s sails, and we on the Right have to give our unwavering support to the Trump Team to get the job done we cast our votes for.

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