By Ray Cardello for May 26, 2021 Season 1 / Post 130

I apologize for the play in words with my title for today’s post. The fact that 20 attorneys general have signed a letter protesting or banning the teaching of Critical Race Theory in their states is proof that the people are waking up. We are waking up and beginning to fight back. Maybe it was the shock of Biden / Harris winning in 2020, or it was the pandemic, but the people were rolling over to the Left.
The last six months have been frightening, and it looked like the Country was changing and declining faster than any of us could have imagined. Our future looked dim with Biden’s pen and the Squad pushing the government hard to the left. There are some positive signs of a correction. Democrat-led states are failing in their recovery as Republican-led states are speeding to normal. Employment and unemployment numbers are bleak, and inflation is running out of control. Biden’s approval ratings are falling quickly for a new President, and Kamala Harris is being uncovered as the weak politician we all knew her to be.
The Democrats are losing traction quicker than the 1619 Project. They may both have been built on false premises. Parents and now some red-state governments are pushing back on school departments to remove Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project from all school curriculums. The Left is hell-bent on convincing America and the world that this great Country is systemically racist and was born to protect slavery. This thinking is a well-planned strategy to destroy this Country from within and indoctrinate our children to ensure their thinking has staying power.
The 1619 Project started as an opinion article by a journalist working for the New York Times. It was never built on facts but one person’s far-left idea. The basis for this article has taken on its own life. It was a perfect tool to be used by radical leftists to serve their purpose of bringing our Country down. Teachers are convincing our children that they need to apologize for their privilege and that equity, not equality, is the future path. Instead of a love for this Country that has given so many incredible opportunities, they are convincing our youth to despise everything America stands for. Our politicians, and educators, are fostering doubt, guilt, and hatred. Instead of pride and honor, they are teaching unsubstantiated theory. I cannot call them lies, but they are an opportunity for the Left, and they are seizing that opportunity with zeal.
Parents are speaking up. Politicians from the Right are gaining strength. This effort is needed to push back against the Teachers Unions and the educators who are buying into this dark thinking. We are gaining momentum as the Left is weakening. What looked bleak a few months ago now seems possible. We who believe in this great experiment called America can right this ship. We can get these haters of our Country out of office, and we can beat back this insurrection. That is what this is, this effort by the Radical Left. They thought they could destroy this Country without a war, without a conflict. They were wrong, and right will survive. We will Make America Great Again, one office at a time. The Left took their best shot, but it was not good enough.
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