
The Squad Has Opening After NY Primary

By Ray Cardello for June 27, 2024, Season 27 / Post 13
The Squad is a group of radical left-leaning representatives brought together by Congresswoman Sany Cortez of New York. The Squad has some high-profile members because this group of politicians loves the attention of the cameras and media and usually addresses a crowd or reporters as a group. This group mentality is necessary because the individuals are ineffective members of Congress, having passed no meaningful legislation, but they always have an opinion and soundbites for the crowd. This group seems to always be on the wrong side of public opinion, but incumbents are usually very comfortable in their positions and are very difficult to defeat in a primary or general election-difficult, but not impossible.
Jaamal Bowman is a Congressman from New York but cannot claim that title in 2025. Bowman lost his primary race this week in New York City to become the first member of the Squad voted out of office. Bowman may have sealed his fate when he was caught on camera pulling a fire alarm in the Capital to delay a floor vote. He should have been jailed for his actions, but losing his reelection bid is a more significant penalty.
Bowman and fellow Squad member Cortez appeared at a rally in the Bronx with supporter Bernie Sanders. The event was embarrassing for two sitting members of Congress. Cortez was jumping, dancing, and screaming around the stage like a caged animal while Bowman was rapping and screaming expletives to the crowd. Sanders was probably wondering why he was not in Vermont, and Hilary was thrilled she backed George Latimer, the other guy in the race. Pro-Israel and centrist groups dealt a blow to the left by taking out Rep. Jamaal Bowman. And they already have a next target in mind. Cori Bush is currently behind in her race in Missouri.
The Squad was quick to call foul and said Bowman’s results show how broken the election process is in America. The Bowman/Latimer primary was the most costly on record in America. In an ironic twist, Cortez and Bowman both said that they demanded that billionaires’ funds be kept from the political arena. That is, of course, the height of hypocrisy. George Soros drops millions into every Democrat election involving a far-Left candidate. So, to clarify the Squad’s remarks, they do not want any Republican Billionaire’s money in an election. They want every advantage, or the election is not fair.
This entire scenario exemplifies the thinking of the Squad. Every one of them is anti-establishment, anti-Israel, anti-capitalism, and, of course, anti-America, but they feel they are a protected lot. There shall be no discussion about a Democrat challenging them in a primary, and regardless of how egregious their actions are, they can never be used against them. The people of Bowman’s district woke up, and hopefully, they will in Cori Bush’s district, too. But what about Tlaib, Omar, and Presley? These folks have no place in American politics. Not because they are Democrats or Radical, but because they hate America. They are welcome to leave this great land any time they like.

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