By Ray Cardello for September 22, 2022 Season 13 / Post 17
Mr. President, do you have the energy or health to be President? “Watch Me.” That was the President’s answer. That flip answer sounds like an answer that came off the pages of KJP’s notebook. Look at my job performance, look at my schedule, and try to keep up with me. This interchange between Scott Pelley of Sixty Minutes and our President was as slanted and bogus as the 46th Presidency of the United States. It is a house of mirrors where a mistruth or outright lie answers every question.
The questions were leading and seemed rehearsed. The only thing that was missing was the teleprompter. Joe even went into whisper mode and invoked the spirit of Beau and the Rosary Beads he keeps in his pocket. I wonder if he held those sacred beads in his hands every time he voted for an abortion bill? He will be eighty on his next birthday but claims he has much more to give. Looking at his daily schedule and the state of the country, I challenge that claim. He rarely has more than his daily briefing and one event on his schedule.
It had been over two hundred days since his last one-on-one interview with anyone from the mainstream media. That timeline is suitable for the folks working in Biden’s White House. Every time Joe does an interview, the staff goes into backtrack mode for at least a week. This does not have to be if the White House was all on the same page, but Joe drifts off the page without a prompter. There were a few moments on Sunday night as Joe hit the guardrail. It was obvious it was coming and not pretty.
Scott Pelley was walking a thin line with his questioning of the President. He could not look too soft and could not insult the President with tough, hard-hitting questions. Polly threw up some definite softballs, such as the question highlighted in my opening. Remarkably, there was not a single question on the former Southern Border with Mexico. No mention of the Fentanyl crisis that has Chinese Fentanyl now the number one cause of death in the 18 to 45 American age group. Nothing about the incredible rise in crime in major cities, but across all of America. Apparently, it was agreed that these topics were out of bounds and would reflect poorly on our floundering President.
I am not a fan of sixty minutes and have not watched it for years, and what we saw on Sunday night explains why. The program used to be an honest news program that dug deeply into a topic. Now, it is as biased as any mainstream media news broadcast. It is a waste of time, but more importantly, it does a disservice to people who think these vignettes are the whole story, and they formulate their beliefs on what they see and hear.
It will be many days before we see another interview with Joe Biden. In the meantime, we will need to rely on Karine Jeanne Pierre and her daily briefings. In other words, we will be spoon-fed what the White House thinks is most beneficial for them. This is not the transparency we should expect from our Executive Branch, but it is what we have from Joe Biden.
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