
We Defend A Border, Ukraine’s Not Ours

By Ray Cardello for December 40, 2023, Season 23 / Post 40

President Biden, you insult us. You stand at a podium next to President Zelenskyy and tell us all the reasons that we must continue to send Billions of dollars to Ukraine to fund their battle against Putin and the invading Russians. Mr. President, you preach to us that we must continue to spend money to preserve the sovereignty of Ukraine while you have no concern for the sovereignty of America. Our country is in decline in every measurable parameter, and that, Joe Biden is on you. America was not only a better place under Donald Trump, but it was growing stronger every day. Under your “leadership,” America has taken two steps back for every day forward.

Zelenskyy knows who the cash cow is in the world. That is why he comes to America every few months, wearing his battlefield green uniform, to tell us that all of Europe is in jeopardy if we stop funding Ukraine and let it fall. If true, why does he not go to Europe for their cash? It is maybe because they have already seen through the smoke and mirrors. If Putin even hinted at penetrating one of the NATO countries, he would have all of NATO to contend with. Ukraine is not in NATO. That doesn’t mean we should sit back and watch Putin destroy the country, but it should not be our sole responsibility to fund their battle that cannot be won. Instead of more money, we should use our power to get Zelenskyy and Putin to a negotiating table and find a diplomatic resolution to a never-ending, winless battle. After two months, Biden is ready to walk away from Israel, but after two years of funding Ukraine, it is carry on, and Americans should shut up and keep writing the check. Damn, I hope the House stays resilient and does not free up another dime for Ukraine until Biden changes direction and ends the assault by the world on our Southern Border.

It has been evident for some time that Joe Biden had no interest in closing the Southern Border. The rate of crossings is nearly two million a year and rising. For comparison, Joe Biden has allowed more illegal aliens to enter our country than there are people in two Nebraskas. If collected into one geographic area, that area would be the 14th most populated state in the union. There is no end in sight.

To view the footage of the border crossings, don’t bother looking at any of the network broadcasts; you would be hard-pressed to find a family unit. The current flow of humanity is almost exclusively military-aged single men from all parts of the world. We do not have the human resources or data available to vet this many people. Because of those circumstances, we have no idea who has entered and is now roaming our streets. This is safety and security in Joe Biden’s America, and it should worry every American because any of these crossers could soon be our next-door neighbor. That fear has nothing to do with Race or Color, but the person’s character. We have no idea who we let in through our front door.

The illegal immigration and support of a corrupt Ukraine are but two reasons Joe Biden should not be President. Forget Impeachment. Joe Biden should be tried for treason for what he has done in three years to destroy America. Age and mental competency are the least of the concerns we should have about another term of Joe Biden’s Presidency. It is Biden’s motive that we should really examine.

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