
Who Will Be The First Democrat To Step Forward

By Ray Cardello for January 29, 2025, Season 30 / Post 22

I do not think there will be one. The Democrats are filing their nails and sharpening their tongues to attack the credibility and character of every Trump nominee who has to run the gauntlet of a Senate Hearing. I watched Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren harass Robert Kennedy Jr. today with her hair and fingers shaking in faux anger. It was not questioning. It was bullying. She was not concerned with his qualifications but whether he would ever make a dime or sue a pharmaceutical company with the knowledge he would garner as Secretary. It was a shameful display, and it was followed up by Bernie Sanders hounding Kennedy on whether Climate Change is an existential threat and a health issue. How does Bernie explain the snow in Florida and 100 miles of I10 shut down because there is not a snowplow to be had in the Sunshine State?

If I were RFK Jr, I would have started every answer to a Democrat question with how much Big Pharma had contributed to their campaign coffers, But Kennedy has more class than me. I have no patience for these hypocrites who make millions on insider trading, and how many thousands of dollars does Harvard still pay the Squaw Senator from Massachusetts for “Teaching?” It’s a joke, but the lemmings in these blue states keep returning these charlatans to office.

And while these Democrats are sitting high in the saddle, judging the candidates before them, they are silent about the biggest conspiracy since Watergate that is going to pass without accountability. Every one of the members of the Democrat Party who had direct contact with Joe Biden during his four-year hiatus in Washington is guilty of deceiving the American public and negligence in their responsibility to blow the whistle on the fact that the President of the United States was incompetent physically and mentally to perform the functions of the job. These people were complicit in a plot by the unknown powers of the Democrat Party to use Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to destroy America as we know it. Only the resilience and perseverance of Donald Trump, and the strength of the American voters who made the correction and put him back in the White House.

I look at two people when I think of the opposite of the entrenched Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, and Sanders, and they are Joey Jones and Benjamin Hall. These are men with different missions, one a journalist to bring the truth of Ukraine to Americans and the other a bomb specialist tasked with making the roads of Iraq and Afghanistan safe for our warriors. Both left parts of their bodies on foreign soil but brought their souls back to America. They have not gone off to lick their wounds and plead for sympathy. They have put on their prosthetics and continue to tell the story about the greatest country on earth; America, and why, broken as they are, they are the luckiest men on earth. Think about them the next time you see Maggie Hassan, Elizabeth Warren, or Alexandria Cortez go off on how foul a country we are.

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