
Why Does Abortion Need A Euphemism

By Ray Cardello for October 12, 2024, Season 29 / Post 13

One of my favorite programs on FOX News is The Five. The Five started in July 2011 as a temporary filler, and thirteen years later, it continues to be one of the highest-rated cable shows. I have never missed a show and have had to tolerate many different liberals who have sat in the #4 seat over the years. Bob Beckel and Geraldo Rivera were some of the toughest to listen to, but when the show started and I saw Jessica Tarlov on the panel, I knew it would be a challenging hour. Thursday was one of those episodes.

The panel discussed the momentum of the Presidential campaign, and the consensus was that Donald Trump was gaining and Kamala Harris was losing momentum. Tarlov conceded the panel’s thinking but inserted a caveat, and that was when she became offensive, as usual. She contended that there was a new ranking of issues, and the fact that abortion was now the #3 concern of voters all but assured Kamala Harris the win. That is not just a sad statement but pathetic. How shallow is the Democrat concern for this great country if their most important issue is killing unborn babies, sometimes up to or after birth?

I recently heard an audio clip of a person who called a Planned Parenthood facility for assurance that an abortion procedure was painless for the

Fetus. The clip was disgusting and disrespectful as the clinic worker went through the details of the procedure and explained how desensitizing drugs were injected into the product to eliminate any pain during the procedure. It was graphic and insensitive, and yes, they used the term “product” to refer to the unborn baby to dehumanize it.

The video below is of a former abortion doctor who describes the abortion procedure in graphic detail and how the method differs in the different timeframes of the pregnancy. I warn you that the video is repulsive, but I think it is important to understand just how barbaric the procedure is to the fetus. I would hope that this video might change the mind of any expectant mother considering an abortion to end her pregnancy.

WARNING: This video is graphic and may be offensive

I would also hope that the millions of pro-choice supporters of a woman’s right to control her own body who educate themselves on the actual procedure might rethink their position and press for alternative solutions to unwanted pregnancies, such as sexual education, birth control, and adoption. It is gaslighting to use terms like family planning, planned parenthood, reproductive freedom, or, as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer loftily says, “privacy rights, health rights, and bodily autonomy” in place of the word abortion.

For a pro-life individual, abortion is a complex and troubling topic. It is repulsive that politicians will focus on abortion to drive the women’s vote when there are so many other concerns that women should consider in casting their vote. This makes the voting process emotional rather than analytical when considering who is best to lead our country.

Jessica Tarlov is presumably an educated woman, having attended Bryn Mawr College (BA) and the London School of Economics(MSc, MA, PhD). Still, she lowers herself and minimizes other women when she strategizes that abortion is the primary reason voters will overlook the deficiencies of Kamala Harris and vote for her for President. Maybe it would satisfy people who choose to make abortion the primary factor in a race if we eliminate party affiliation and simply identify candidates as Pro-life or Pro-choice. I give women more credit than this, maybe I need to rethink that.

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