By Ray Cardello for August 10, 2022 Season 12 / Post 25
The Biden administration is proving to be the most powerful in our history. In less than two years, they have done as much as they can to impact us negatively and are showing that they intend to complete Barack Obama’s goal, to transform America completely. The Biden administration needs to be stopped.
It is clear that what Biden’s team has done is by design and not by happenstance by the fact that not a single member of the staff has been fired. We are one year out from the debacle in Afghanistan, and the loss of thirteen men and women killed during the evacuation. Inflation is over 9% and may hit 10% when the July numbers come in soon. The Southern Border has been eradicated, and over two million illegals have come across the Rio Grande. Chinese Fentanyl brought to this country through Mexico kills 100,000 young Americans yearly. Gas prices are still twice what they were when Biden took office because of the war on fossil fuels called but Biden. There is nothing I can cite that has helped the lives of Americans.
Joe Biden continues the move to weaponize the DOJ, FBI, IRS, and the Department of Education against Americans and political opponents. From the DOJ calling Americans domestic terrorists for showing they disagree with local school boards to their refusal to intervene with protestors outside the homes of Supreme Court Justices, the DOJ shows they are a partisan entity that needs to be reeled in.
The IRS will soon have 87,000 new agents, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. These agents will be tasked to hit the ground in search of tax evaders or cheats. Be ready for an agent to visit your neighborhood soon. The IRA allocates over $300 Billion for this new supersized arm of the government.
The DOJ has teamed up with the FBI to attack and hinder Donald Trump and raided his home at Mar-a-Lago while Trump was in New York. This raid was performed yesterday supposedly to recover boxes of documents that should have been transferred to the National Archives. A subpoena could have facilitated this recovery of Presidential papers, but that would not have made such a media splash. This political persecution had happened since 2015, when Trump entered the presidential race. The actions of the DOJ and FBI are to destroy any chance of Trump running for President in 2024. They tried to stop Trump from being elected by spreading the bogus Russian dossier created and paid for by Hillary Clinton. Now they want to stop any possible run by Trump in 2024.
The FBI was instrumental in squelching any talk of the Hunter Biden laptops and the money-making scheme by the Biden Cartel during Biden’s time as VP and now as President. The FBI convinced Social Media and the mainstream media to call the dossier fiasco misinformation and censor any mention on their platforms.
The Biden Administration, DOJ, and FBI may have gone too far with this latest action and all but assured that Trump will now enter the 2024 race. They have also unified and fired up all Republicans to circle the wagons in defense and support of Donald Trump. When the tsunami hits in November and Republicans take back the House and possibly the Senate, the Democrats best be ready to spend time in front of Republican led committees. Payback for the actions of the DOJ and FBI at the request of Biden
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