By Ray Cardello for February 2, 2022 Season 8 / Post 35
The Democrats claim to be the party of the people, and especially the party of the minorities. Unfortunately, the Democrats have been serving this lie for 60 years or more, and most Americans have bought the story. The Democrats reach out to Black and Brown people every election cycle and count on their support and votes to put them over the top. Once the votes are counted, and the acceptance speeches are made, the minority voters see only the backs of the politicians. They are forgotten until the next cycle.
When Joe Biden was addressing a group dominated by Blacks during the 2020 campaign, he said, ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” Is that more patronizing or insulting? The Democrats feel confident they can count on the votes of the Black and Brown community. They can count on that no longer.
Let’s look at what that blind loyalty has done for the once-popular, now dying city of Baltimore. Baltimore, Maryland, used to be a popular vacation destination. A suburb of Washington, D.C., and lucky to be geographically attached to the beautiful Chesapeake Bay. The waterfront, schools, sports teams, and venues were magnets to people worldwide. The city has deteriorated where these attractions are not enough to get people to Baltimore.
One thousand two hundred homeless people are living on the streets of Baltimore. The unemployment rate is 8.4%, but if you dig deeper, white unemployment is 3.5%, while 14% for blacks and Hispanic. The median income for a minority family is $33,000 for Blacks, $42,000 for Hispanics, and $63,000 for Whites.
Education plays a significant role in the financial stability of people. In Baltimore, 13% of Blacks hold a college degree, 24% of Hispanics, and 59% of Whites. Unfortunately, 85% of those incarcerated are Black. This statistic does not help the economy of the minority group but also the family structure. The population has been steadily declining since the ’50s, from 950,000 down to 622,000 in 2014. Much of this decline is attributed to factory and shipyard closings. Baltimore has 30,000 empty homes and lots.
If people do not feel safe, they will not come. The economy is one consideration when looking at the standing of Blacks and Browns in Baltimore. Still, it would help if you also turned to the rise in crime impacting people moving into Baltimore. Rapes were up 25%, and homicides up 4%.
The one constant throughout time for Baltimore is Democrat control. Since 1930, over 90 years, there has only been one Republican Mayor, and that was for two four-year terms. Like many of the deteriorating big cities in the country, like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, they have been loyal to their Democrat leadership. They have not been rewarded for this loyalty.
There is no answer to the stranglehold on our formerly great cities. There have been dynamic young Republicans, including minority candidates, that have pointed out the plight of these cities and presented plans and options to no avail. It is frustrating, but we see trends that the country may be changing and looking for a more Conservative leadership. Hopefully, these cities will get caught up in the movement.
The history surrounding our metropolitan areas deserves a fresh start, but it will have to start with the people living there to get out of their comfort zone. Pulling the lever for D needs to slide to the right. You cannot expect a different result by putting the same people in charge.
This article was first published on The Liberty Loft thelibertyloft.com
Categories: Uncategorized