By Ray Cardello for December 20, 2023, Season 23 / Post 46
It is sad to see the approval rating of our President, Joe Biden, fall to a new low of 34%. Biden is not my choice for President, but once elected, the President is the leader for all Americans. It is distressing that the man who garnered 81 million votes is doing such a poor job that his performance is approved by less than 40% of the people. In a recent FOX poll of Democrats, 54% of those polled want a different candidate on the 2024 ticket. I want to see Donald Trump beat Joe Biden in 2024, and it will undoubtedly be an easier path to the White House with Biden being so unpopular. But for now, he is our President, and I wish he were more popular because we would all be doing better.
Over the weekend, Joe Biden was asked why he was so unpopular with voters, especially Democrat voters, and his response was the polls were wrong. That is the equivalent of the strike-out leader in baseball blaming his performance on the umpires. Biden’s approval rating has now fallen below Kamala Harris, who is polling at 35%. Both numbers are deplorable.
Biden will not accept responsibility for his performance review, and the Washington Post reports that Biden is “frustrated and upset” with the new poll numbers and has been calling out his staff, pointing his finger at them as they are to blame. The irony is we have documented how poorly his staff and Cabinet have performed and that Joe Biden chose them with concern for DEI and not competence. His goal was to have the most diverse, not the most competent, Administration. He succeeded in that mission. The approval rating indicates how Americans feel about the entire Administration, and there is but one person to take the blame, and it is Joe Biden.
It is hard to fathom the approval number going any lower, but it will because the current attention given to the President’s children’s issues will shine a new negative light on Joe. The mainstream media is now forced to cover the stories of Hunter and Ashley, and their tax woes would be laughable if not so serious. Biden has preached he wants everyone to pay their fair share of taxes, except his daughter and son. With the House moving into an Impeachment Inquiry against Joe Biden, the media can no longer hide his sins but must report on them. Because of the protection afforded the President by a sympathetic, conspiratorial press, this will be the first their followers will hear of the shortcomings of this President and his family.
The President cannot be considered a favorite to win re-election with approval numbers approaching 30%. Trump is now beating Biden in every poll, and Nikki Haley is also leading in a head-to-head matchup with the President. With the potential for two third-party candidates on the ballot that most feel will hurt Biden, he and Jill might want to start packing. They will soon be living full-time in Delaware. That will be a good thing for the rest of America.
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