By Ray Cardello for August 8, 2022 Season 12 / Post 23
You cannot make this stuff up. These were two consecutive sentences from Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) on FOX News Sunday.
We are going to completely pay for the Inflation Reduction Act by raising taxes on companies with revenues over $1 Billion and on wealthy Americans who have been able to avoid paying taxes to this point.
Next question: Don’t most economists agree that it is a bad decision to raise taxes during a period of high inflation or recession?
We will not be raising any new taxes with this bill.
Excuse me. Don’t those two answers contradict each other? Not in Democrat speak. There was no follow-up question from the reporter. I would love to have ten minutes to ask questions of these politicians who speak out of both sides of their mouths.
Just like the continuous contradictions from its supporters, the $700 Billion Reconciliation Bill passed by the Senate on Sunday is a contradiction starting with it name. The majority of economists confirm that the Inflation Reduction Act will have a negligible impact on inflation for the short or long run. If anything, dumping more money into the economy, most say it will have just the opposite result.
By increasing taxes on corporations and the “ultra rich,” this bill will slow the economy and raise the costs of goods, adding to the over 9% inflation rate. Only the Democrats can spend over $300 Million to collect more taxes. Only the Democrats would think to double the size of the IRS by adding 87,000 agents tasked with hunting down low to middle-income tax avoiders. Curious, but with most companies struggling to find workers to avoid cutting hours and services, the government thinks it is a good idea to take 87,000 people out of the workplace and make them domestic spies for the IRS.
Chuck Schumer raved about how the Senate compromised to pass this bill. The compromise was within his party as they had to bribe Senators Manchin and Sinema to go along with the bill. No Republican voted for the bill, so please don’t say it was anything but a partisan bill that will do more harm than good to Americans.
And, of course, what Democrat bill would ever be complete without $300 Million spent on Green Energy initiatives. This includes over $7000 in rebates to anyone purchasing an Electric Vehicle. Keep in mind, you cannot locate many EVs. Not all carry a rebate, and of course, with no infrastructure in place, where will you be able to charge yours?
Biden is calling this bill, which should pass the House this week, a crowning achievement. It may very well be the final nail in the coffin for Democrats in November. If inflation numbers continue to rise and GDP to shrink, the country will be completely done with Biden and the Progressive agenda. Gas prices, though coming down, are still two dollars a gallon more than last year. It continues to be more painful each week as the cost of weekly groceries skyrockets. And we have yet to go through a heating season with the new Biden prices. Some people may need to choose between heat and food to eat. This is a choice that should not exist in America but does in Biden’s America.
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