By Ray Cardello for October 8, 2022 Season 13 / Post 33
If you watch their campaign ads, you would think that the world is safe, the economy is sound, the Border is secure, and the education system is the best in the world. If you buy their message, then you must be living in a bubble. We have a chance to change our direction with our vote in a few weeks. I am not sure I have faith in the American voters to do the right thing for America. Some people are so entrenched in their lifetime belief that the Democrats are for the little guy, the hardworking American. They are wrong, and we need to convince them why.
Look no further than New York and Pennsylvania to see what I mean. Kathy Hochul was sworn in as Governor when Andrew Cuomo resigned in disgrace. She has proven she is ill-prepared to be the chief executive of any entity, let alone one of our most populous states. While crime is destroying the large cities of her state, her concern has been changing words in state documents to align with WOKE philosophies. People are leaving New York by the thousands, and New York is even losing seats in Congress. She has no plan to change this trend but commands a 20-point lead in her race. Insanity.
In Pennsylvania, we have the Democrat Lieutenant Governor running for Senate. It is unfortunate for John Fetterman to have had a debilitating stroke, but it is unfortunate for the state that he will not step aside and concentrate on getting himself healthy. Before his stroke, Fetterman was still a dangerous politician who was more concerned with the rights of people who broke the law than their victims. Serving on the state parole board, he worked to put hardened criminals back into society quickly. What we got was a rising crime rate.
In New Hampshire, Senator Maggie Hassan was asked what she would do to right the economy and lessen the impact of crime. Her answer was alarming. She said she would continue to do what she has been doing for the last six years. Sorry, Maggie. Bad answer. What you are doing is giving us record inflation, a recession, $31 Trillion of debt, and a less safe state with a severe drug problem. If you think that works for Granite Staters, it is time you step aside.
Look at the list of stands the Democrats have taken:
- An open Border and unlimited illegal aliens
- Medical care and free education for illegals
- Free spending and unbridled inflation
- A shutdown of our fossil fuel usage and industry
- Elimination of gas-powered vehicles in fifteen years
- Keeping parents out of the education system
- Including CRT and sex education in elementary schools
- The right for minors to alter their gender without parental consent
- Abortions up to the time of birth
- Terminating the life of a fetus that is an abortion survivor
- Defunding the police
- Emptying prisons and medical health facilities
- Voting rights for illegals
- Lowering the voting age to sixteen
- Packing the Supreme Court
That is just a short list. I am sure we can come up with more dangerous policies and beliefs. Democrats call MAGA Republicans a crisis for Democracy. Please explain to me how any of the items on this list are conducive to a healthy and prosperous society. I will not hold my breath waiting for a response. Please vote with your head and not with habits from the past. The Democrat Party is not that of your parents. Your parents would be appalled at the direction the Left has us heading.
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