By Ray Cardello for December 19, 2022 Season 15 / Post 9
I get an email every Friday from the Congressman for NH-CD1 recapping what a busy week he has had. It usually summarizes four or five issues he feels he was integral in bringing to fruition. Chris Pappas is a self-promotion star, and it has to be a must-read for his followers. For the other half of the population of New Hampshire, his email is tantamount to fingernails on a chalkboard.
First, to say to working people that this recap shows how busy you were is an insult. Secondly, your emails show how off-track and tone-deaf you are and how things could have been so better had we replaced you in Washington. Had Karoline Leavitt been successful in unseating this narrow-minded Congressman, we would be concentrating on real issues. Let’s look at his latest mailing.
The following was pulled directly from the weekly Pappas email. In italics is my opinion on how Karoline would have dealt differently with the issue.
Combating the Opioid Epidemic
On Thursday, I introduced bipartisan legislation alongside Congressman Dan Newhouse to extend my bipartisan legislation on fentanyl analogue scheduling through December 31, 2024. As we work to combat the opioid epidemic and save lives, it’s critical we ensure law enforcement retains the tools they need to hold traffickers accountable by extending the temporary scheduling of fentanyl-related substances. I remain committed to working across the aisle, with health and public safety experts, and with members of our law enforcement to push for comprehensive solutions that will keep our families and communities safe.
Giving law-enforcement the resources to fight the Fentanyl epidemic is important, but more importantly, we need to stop the supply. We know the raw material originates from China and is formulated into tablet form in Mexico. We have to fight this battle on two fronts. We must force China to cease the manufacture and distribution to Mexico. We need to treat this infusion of Fentanyl as a terrorist act and the labs where they are produced in Mexico need to be destroyed. We must work with the Mexican government to make this happen.
The Respect for Marriage Act Signed Into Law
On Tuesday, I attended the White House ceremony of President Biden signing the Respect for Marriage Act into law. The signing of this legislation is a landmark moment not just for the LGBTQ+ community, but for all Americans, because it brings us one step closer to our country’s founding promise of guaranteeing liberty and justice for all. Growing up I wondered as a member of the LGBTQ+ community whether I’d be able to have a full life and a family of my own. We’ve certainly come a long way on that front, and while work remains to be done to guarantee true equality for all, I’m grateful to President Biden for signing this legislation into law that ensures we will not lose these hard-fought rights we all deserve.
This was a made for TV production. Same-sex marriage was legalized on the Federal level on June 26, 2015. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples had the right to marry. The narrow, 5-4 decision did away with same-sex marriage bans in 14 states. This ceremony was theater produced to garner support from the LGBTQ community that Chris Pappas has been laser-focused on since being elected to Congress.
Passing the Law Enforcement De-escalation Act
On Wednesday, I helped pass the bipartisan Law Enforcement De-escalation Training Act, vital legislation that will close the mental health crisis training gap and provide officers with de-escalation tactics for these urgent encounters. The bill passed the House and Senate with bipartisan support and will now be sent to President Biden for his signature. As our law enforcement responds to a variety of calls, it’s important they have training for every situation, and I’ll continue fighting to deliver the resources law enforcement need to keep our communities safe.
We need to start at the beginning by restoring law enforcement to the noble profession of a decade ago. The Democrats continue to push its Progressive Defund the Police mantra and then want to say they are pro-police. It is a charade. Big cities are losing police officers by the hundreds, and recruits are not keeping up with attrition. Until we restore respect for the Police, everything else is pure lip service.
Investing in Renewable Energy
This week I joined the New Hampshire delegation in welcoming $1,696,780 for renewable energy projects across rural New Hampshire. This funding from the Rural Energy for America Program ensures New Hampshire’s small businesses, agricultural producers, and rural communities have the support and resources for a transition to clean energy. Providing our communities with the tools to transition to clean energy is vital to protecting our environment, creating jobs, and generating economic growth. I’m pleased to see New Hampshire businesses investing in renewable energy and I’ll keep fighting for resources to ease this transition.
New Hampshire and New England rely on fossil fuel for home heating and commercial growth. You can continue to push rebates on renewable energy alternatives, but the average Granite Stater cannot afford the initial outlay. With the help of Chris Pappas, the Biden administration has done its best to destroy the fossil fuel industry. With Biden inflation, New Hampshire’s residents have to choose between fuel and food. It is not a good place to be, thanks to Biden and the Democrats.
Chris Pappas
Member of Congress
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