
Looking More Like China Owns Joe

By Ray Cardello for July 7, 2022 Season 11 / Post 41

One of the biggest concerns for Conservatives with the looming story of Hunter Biden and the Biden Cartel is that our President is compromised. There is no question it is real, and Joe Biden may deny his association with Hunter and his foreign money laundering schemes, but he is not hiding the fact he is owned by our greatest foe on earth, China.

The first indicator was when Joe Biden fought off any charge that China was the source of the COVID Pandemic. Biden would not hear of any investigation into the lab in Wuhan, where many believe the COVID virus was created and leaked. He teamed with Anthony Fauci to misdirect attention away from China even after it was uncovered that Fauci had funneled money into the Wuhan lab.

China has had its hands in our economy for decades. Their sheer number of people, cheap labor costs, and production capabilities have attracted thousands of US companies to relocate to mainland China. China converted America from the most outstanding production economy in the world to a service-based economy. We make nothing in this country, and the most prevalent label on goods we buy reads Made in China.

President Trump initiated harsh tariffs on China, which did two things. The tariffs helped balance the trade between America and China and encouraged American companies to leave China and return to the USA. The tariffs were working, but like every other Trump action, Biden has gone after it.

In a move that favors only China, Joe Biden is considering ending all tariffs currently levied on China. Even Biden’s advisors warn him not to touch the tariffs, but Joe is convinced that he has to pull the tariffs because China is forcing him. The Biden family being beholden to China because of monetary payments can be the only reason for Biden’s actions.

China has been stealing our intellectual property, buying US companies, purchasing American land, and is responsible for over 100,000 American deaths per year by Fentanyl poisoning. They are the biggest threat to our economy and safety, so why reward them by removing tariffs? There is no viable reason other than extortion.

This week, the most damning evidence yet of Biden being compromised by China is the diversion of crude oil to China from our Strategic Energy Reserves. Biden announced earlier this year the release of millions of barrels per day from the Reserves in his feeble attempt to reduce gasoline costs at the pump. The Reserve is designed to be used in case of war or catastrophic event that interrupts our regular oil and gas supply. Because of Biden’s action, the Reserve is at an all-time low and dangerous level.

Combine this supply of American crude oil going to China and China buying crude from Russia, China is funding the Russian conflict in Ukraine and simultaneously harming our National Security. This chain of events involving Biden and China is too obvious to ignore and must be stopped.
One significant issue with the Biden/China collusion is that most media outlets are not reporting the facts. Therefore the majority of Americans are not even aware these events are happening.

If this relationship with China involved a Republican President, the calls for investigation and impeachment would be loud. In today’s world, we sweep it under the media rug and move on. With two more years of Biden in the White House, the media Best Buy a larger rug.

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