Tucker Carlson Warns: Bank Of America Turning Private Customer Info Over to the Feds
Tucker Carlson is a polarizing individual. First of all, he is on FOX which automatically makes him an enemy and a conspiracy theorist to many. He is honest, open and that is unnerving to many. He has taken over the 8PM Prime spot-on FOX and has blown away the CNN and MSNBC competition in that slot. That makes him a target to many.
Tucker Carlson not only has an incredible staff of researchers but he is fearless in disclosing information to his loyal viewers. Last night he disclosed an interesting and alarming story about Bank of America. BOA became an investigative arm of the Federal Government by using the data of its customers to disclose identities of is customers who fit a certain criteria to the Feds. This was done without consent from its customers and included any person who used a BOA credit or debit card since January 6th. These are the criteria that were used for the data search;
“1. Customers confirmed as transacting, either through bank account debit card or credit card purchases in Washington, D.C. between 1/5 and 1/6. 2. Purchases made for Hotel/Airbnb RSVPs in DC, VA, and MD after 1/6. 3. Any purchase of weapons or at a weapons-related merchant between 1/7 and their upcoming suspected stay in D.C. area around Inauguration Day. 4. Airline related purchases since 1/6.”
This is an extremely broad search criteria and has already resulted in people being questioned by the FBI as a result of the data being divulged to the government. I know firsthand how scary it can be to receive a notice from the FBI. When living in Farmington, I received notice from the FBI that I was being investigated for Copyright Violations which carried a significant fine and possible prison time. It turned out my WIFI had been tapped by a neighbor who was using it to download videos. I was able to avoid any action by taking the necessary steps to prevent a reccurence. A very troubling situation. Imagine being targeted by the FBI for buying an airline ticket or maybe a T-shirt from the NRA website? All thanks to your bank or credit card company who you trusted with your info defied your trust. Just another example of how our lives are changing drastically and quickly and how our freedoms are being clipped. This will continue to happen if we choose to do nothing and simply comply. I no longer have a BOA account but if I did today, I would not tomorrow. Do you?
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BOA is a shady company and this is another reason to dump their products. I got rid of them a while ago.