
Watch As Middle America Become The Middle East

By Ray Cardello for May 21, 2024, Season 26 / Post 30

Joe Biden and the Democrats have been re-engineering our country. I am probably giving Biden too much credit. He is not a designer of the plan but a hapless tool to carry out the plan. This plan started in 2008 when Obama was elected and openly proclaimed his purpose to transform America. This plan has many fronts, from the accelerated indoctrination of our children from K-16 to the irrational DEIJ movement that rewards boxes checked versus competency and finally to the manipulation of the electoral map by the placement of illegal migrants.

One of Biden’s first acts upon his election was to open our southern border and allow over ten million unvetted migrants from over 150 countries to enter our country. If these individuals were brought to one location in the United States, these people would form the 10th most populated state in our country. The people crossing the Rio Grande by foot were step one, and step two was flying illegals directly to predetermined destinations. The goal is to change the demographics of the Red States. The faster the Democrats can get these migrants to the polls. The better for the Democrats.

In what may be the final stage is the Democrat plan to bring millions of Palestinian refugees from Gaza to the Middle American states. These states have some of the lowest population numbers and are typically Conservative and Red-leaning. By inserting millions of people the Democrats feel will vote for the Left, they can quickly transform these Red fly-over states into Blue-voting machines.

There are many aspects to consider when importing refugees from Gaza.
First, there will be no way of vetting these people, and we know that not all Palestinians are terrorists, but all Hamas terrorists are Palestinians. We will have no way of discerning how many of the people we bring into Middle America will be terrorists hell-bent on taking down America or in sleeper cells ready to be awakened and activated. Secondly, we just went through weeks of unrest on college campuses with radical activists funding and coaching impressionable college students to protest for Palestine and Hamas and against Israel. These refugees will add fuel to that movement.

This engineering of future elections is the transformation that Barack Obama envisioned. By manipulating the population in selective states, the Left can guarantee there will never be a Republican elected President. Ironically, the Democrats yell about election suppression or interference. Yet, they have spent decades manipulating the election process in their favor. One hundred years, they are indoctrinating our young students, turning them off on America and capitalism and convincing them that Socialism is a superior system to live in.

Joe Biden should not be impeached. Joe Biden should be charged and tried for Treason against the United States. He has stomped on the Constitution, insulted and ignored the Supreme Court, and has been complicit with the Senate stalling any bills passed out of the House. His efforts to transform America have damaged American lives, smashed the dreams of our future, and made states and cities less safe for Americans to live comfortably. Biden and this Democrat plan must be stopped, and making sure that Biden does not get four more years in the Oval Office.

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