By Ray Cardello for September 30, 2022 Season 13 / Post 25
Fortunately, we are still at a place where we can come together to put the pieces back together after a weather catastrophe. Hurricane Ian has dominated the news cycle for the last two days, and that is a blessing within the tragedy. As the first Cat 5 Hurricane to hit the Sunshine state in decades, the attention is focused on minimizing the loss and evaluating what is needed to get back to normal as soon as possible.
As we spent the last few days watching the track of the storm and trying to project its target as the storm makes landfall, it has become clear that we are powerless when it comes to Mother Nature. She holds all the cards. Even with all of the sophisticated equipment, we really have no idea what will happen until the day after. No meteorologist is ever wrong as they recap the impact of a vicious storm. The best we can do is prepare as best we can and pray.
The bottom line is Americans love each other despite political leanings. When our brothers and sisters have been hurt, we are there to do what we can to ease the pain. Over thirty states are coming to the aid of the good people of Florida. Most of these states did not feel a gust of wind or a drop of rain, but they are ready to dip into their wallet or get into a truck to deliver aid. This is America at its finest. This is America at its purest.
Governor DeSantis has been in the spotlight for the last few days and has performed with the level of excellence we expect from our leaders. He has communicated well, was ahead of the storm with preparations, and has been quick to direct assistance to the areas that need it the most. He has been able to get the Federal government to recognize the need to declare emergencies to free up relief funds. Progressive or Conservative was not part of the equation. Americans were in need, and the government was there to do what they were designed to do; hold the safety net.
The weather does not discriminate on any parameters, but it does take its most significant toll on the weakest of society. The elderly and the poorest among us have taken the most significant toll. The elderly are the most difficult to relocate in the path of a deadly storm, and the poorest do not have the means to move anywhere. This is why these two categories will see the highest percentage of devastation and fatalities. Notice this has nothing to do with race, just age and wealth.
The next few days will be crucial as the devastation is identified. There will be some that lose their lives and others that will need years to recover. As with any situation, there will be people striving to make money on the backs of others who are suffering. The storm will pass, but our efforts to help have to have staying power.
The best part about the news blackout of every other story is we did not have to focus on Vice President Harris declaring we are aligned with North Korea or the President of the United States making a major faux pas yesterday. President Biden on Wednesday asked a crowd if Rep. Jackie Walorski, who died in a car accident last month, was in attendance at a White House event. These are our leaders. The storm will fizzle in time, but when it does, we will still be stuck with Biden and Harris…..how lucky are we?
Categories: Uncategorized
Thank you for these thoughts.We are all Americans. Politics does not matter on these days. God be with all our friends down South.